

1280-00-912-2164 (1280009122164, 009122164)
Part Numbers (6 listings): 134383-01-24 | 134383-01-25 | 134383-01-26 | CN494AAJB3 | CN494AAJ33 | 2171P |

FSG 12 / FSC 1280




Date Created: 24 Jun 1966

MSDS: None

Hazmat: None

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Manufacturer Part NumberRNCCRNVCManufacturer NameCAGE
134383-01-243 - Design Control Reference2 - Production ItemGE AVIATION SYSTEMS LLC  35351    CAGE 35351  
134383-01-253 - Design Control Reference2 - Production ItemGE AVIATION SYSTEMS LLC  35351    CAGE 35351  
134383-01-263 - Design Control Reference2 - Production ItemGE AVIATION SYSTEMS LLC  35351    CAGE 35351  
CN494AAJB35 - Replaced / Discontinued1 - Incomplete Part NumberJOINT ELECTRONICS TYPE DESIGNATION  80058    CAGE 80058  
CN494AAJ335 - Replaced / Discontinued1 - Incomplete Part NumberJOINT ELECTRONICS TYPE DESIGNATION  80058    CAGE 80058  
2171P5 - Replaced / Discontinued1 - Incomplete Part NumberGE AVIATION SYSTEMS LLC  35351    CAGE 35351  
Code Definitions

3 - Design Control Reference

Reference Number Category Code (DRN_2910)

Design Control Reference. The primary number used to identify an item of production or a range of items of production, by the manufacturer (individual, company, firm, corporation, or Government activity) which controls the design, characteristics, and production of the item by means of its engineering drawings, specifications and inspection requirements.

5 - Replaced / Discontinued

Reference Number Category Code (DRN_2910)

Secondary Reference. Any additional number, other than a primary number (codes 1,2,3,4) informative reference (code 6) or vendor item drawing reference (code 7) assigned to an item of production or supply by a commercial or Government organization, which represents the same item of production or supply to which the National Stock Number (NSN) was assigned. The reference number may have had an RNCC of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 7 but has since been replaced in the item-of-supply concept of the NSN by another primary number.

2 - Production Item

Reference Number Variation Code (DRN_4780)

A design control or other reference number that is an item-identifying number for an item of production, or a source control reference or a specification or standard part, type, or similar reference number that is an item-identifying number for an item of supply.

1 - Incomplete Part Number

Reference Number Variation Code (DRN_4780)

A design control or other reference number that does NOT identify an item of production without the use of additional information, or a specific part, type, or similar reference number does NOT identify or item of supply without the use of additional information.

FLIS - SEG A - IDENTIFICATION | NSN 1280-00-912-2164 Submit RFQ
1212800091221647777729DNA024 Jun 1966
Code Definitions


Federal Supply Group (FSG_3994/FSC_WI_FSG_3996)

Fire Control Equipment


Federal Supply Class (FSC_3994/FSC_WI_FSC_3996)

Aircraft Bombing Fire Control Components


National Item Identification Number (NCB_CD_4130/I_I_NBR_4131)

NSN 1280-00-912-2164


Item Naming Code (INC_4080)

24 Jun 1966

NIIN Assignment Date (DT_NIIN_ASGMT_2180)


Type of Item Identification (TYP_II_4820)

Reference Item Identification


Reference / Partial Descriptive Method Reason Code (RPDMRC_4765)

A Defense Logistics Information Service-generated code for items lacking but requiring an RPDMRC (i.e., through mass FIIG revision change an item may be downgraded from a type 1 to a reference or partial descriptive method item identification).


Demilitarization Code (DEMIL_CD_0167)

MLI (SME) — Total destruction of item and components so as to preclude restoration or repair to a usable condition by melting, cutting, tearing, scratching, crushing, breaking, punching, neutralizing, etc. (As an alternate, burial or deep water dumping may be used when coordinated with the DOD Demilitarization Program Office.)


Hazardous Material Indicator Code (HMIC_0865)

Indicates there is no data in the HMIRS and the NSN is in a FSC not generally suspected of containing hazardous materials.


Precious Metals Indicator Code (PMIC_0802)

Item does not contain Precious Metal.


ADPE Identification Code (ADPEC_0801)

Represents items with no ADP components. NOTE: Codes 1 through 6 are only to be used when the item is Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE) in its entirety and is limited to the type meeting only one of the definitions for codes 1 through 6. (See code 9)

FLIS - SEG B - MOE RULE DATA | NSN 1280-00-912-2164 Submit RFQ
MOE RuleFormer MOEAMCAMSCNIMSCIMCIMC ActivityAACDSORCollaboratorsReceiversEffective Date
ZE011 Apr 1991
YD011 Apr 1991
Code Definitions

FLIS - SEG C - REFERENCE NUMBER | NSN 1280-00-912-2164 Submit RFQ
3321KED134383-01-26  35351   CAGE/35351
3511KED2171P  35351   CAGE/35351
3513JKDCN494AAJ33  80058   CAGE/80058
3513KEDCN494AAJB3  80058   CAGE/80058
Code Definitions


Reference Number Format Code (RNFC_2920)

Number format is unknown. (Coded RNFC 3 by the Defense Logistics Information Service upon implementation of FLIS.)


Reference Number Category Code (RNCC_2910)

Design Control Reference. The primary number used to identify an item of production or a range of items of production, by the manufacturer (individual, company, firm, corporation, or Government activity) which controls the design, characteristics, and production of the item by means of its engineering drawings, specifications and inspection requirements.


Reference Number Variation Code (RNVC_4780)

A design control or other reference number that is an item-identifying number for an item of production, or a source control reference or a specification or standard part, type, or similar reference number that is an item-identifying number for an item of supply.


Document Availability Code (DAC_2640)

The reference number is represented by a drawing and the drawing was available to the RNAAC, who may or may not be the submitting activity, at the time of submission of the reference number. The RNAAC will furnish the drawing upon request.


Reference Number Action Activity Code (RNAAC_2900)

Naval ICP, Philadelphia, PA 19111


Reference Number Status Code (RNSC_2923)

Procurement authority of the manufacturer and reference number have not yet been checked. NOTE: This code is to be allocated to reference numbers still requiring checks on procurement authority.


Reference Number Category Code (RNCC_2910)

Secondary Reference. Any additional number, other than a primary number (codes 1,2,3,4) informative reference (code 6) or vendor item drawing reference (code 7) assigned to an item of production or supply by a commercial or Government organization, which represents the same item of production or supply to which the National Stock Number (NSN) was assigned. The reference number may have had an RNCC of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 7 but has since been replaced in the item-of-supply concept of the NSN by another primary number.


Reference Number Variation Code (RNVC_4780)

A design control or other reference number that does NOT identify an item of production without the use of additional information, or a specific part, type, or similar reference number does NOT identify or item of supply without the use of additional information.


Document Availability Code (DAC_2640)

The reference number is represented by technical documentation other than a drawing and the documentation was available to the RNAAC, who may or may not be the submitting activity, at the time of submission of the reference number. The RNAAC will furnish the technical documentation upon request.


Reference Number Action Activity Code (RNAAC_2900)

Naval SEA Systems Command, Washington, DC 20362-5101

FLIS - SEG G - FREIGHT DATA | NSN 1280-00-912-2164 Submit RFQ
IntegrityOriginatingHMCLCLWCCTCCSHCADCACCASHLTLNMFCNMFC Sub ItemUFCFreight DescriptionRail Variance
Code Definitions


Originating Activity Code (ORIG_ACTY_CD_4210)

Naval ICP, Philadelphia, PA 19111

Rail Variance

Rail Variance (RAIL_VARI_CD_4760)

No Variation. NMFC and UFCC Match.

FLIS - SEG H - MANAGEMENT DATA | NSN 1280-00-912-2164 Submit RFQ
Code Definitions


Source of Supply (SOS_CD_3690) or Source of Supply Modifier (SOSM_CD_2948)

Naval Inventory Control Point, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098


Acquisition Advice Code (AAC_2507)

TERMINAL ITEM. Identifies items in stock, but future procurement is not authorized. Requisitions may continue to be submitted until stocks are exhausted. Preferred item National Stock Number is normally provided by application of the phrase: When Exhausted Use (NSN). Requisitions will be submitted in accordance with IMM/Service requisitioning procedures as applicable.


Controlled Item Inventory Code (CIIC_2863)

Non-Sensitive (SRC-N/A) — UNCLASSIFIED AA&E or Items assigned a Demilitarization Code other than A, B, Q or P for which another CIIC is inappropriate. (NOTE: The loss, theft, unlawful 011disposition, and/or recovery of an item with CIIC 7 will be investigated in accordance with DoD 4000.25-2-M and DoD 7200.14–R, Volume 12, Chapter7).


Quantity Unit Pack (QUP_6106)



Reparability Code (REP_CD_DLA_2934 / REP_CD_CG_0709 / ERRC_CD_AF_2655 / RECOV_CD_MC_2891 / RECOV_CD_AR_2892 / MAT_CTL_NVY_2832)

ARMY: If condemned or uneconomically repairable, then dispose at intermediate level; COAST GUARD: Reparable item. Repair, condemnation, and disposal not authorized below intermediate (district) level; MARINE CORPS: Reparable item. When uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose at fourth echelon level; NAVY: Depot Level Reparable


Unit of Issue (UI_3050)

Each - A numeric quantity of one item of supply. Do not use if a more specific term applies, such as kit, set, assortment, assembly, group, sheet, plate, strip or length.


Shelf Life Code (SLC_2943)

TYPE I or TYPE II (Non-Deteriorative/No Shelf-Life) - An individual item of supply which is determined through an evaluation of technical test data and/or actual experience to be an item with a definite non-extendible period of shelf-life OR An individual item of supply having an assigned shelf-life time period that may be extended after completion of inspection/test/restorative action.


Service / Agency Code (MOE_CD_2833)

Department of the Navy

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