

2915-00-001-2627 (2915000012627, 000012627)
Part Numbers (2 listings): 5015T24P11 | 9243A3 |

FSG 29 / FSC 2915




Date Created: 27 Sep 1972

Unit Weight: 21.0 lbs

Unit Size: 20.5in x 14.5in x 14.5in

Unit Pack Cube: 2.494 cu ft

Replacement NSN:


Replacement Date: 25 Aug 1984

MSDS: None

Hazmat: None

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Manufacturer Part NumberRNCCRNVCManufacturer NameCAGE
5015T24P111 - Source of Control Reference3 - Reparable ItemGENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY  99207    CAGE 99207  
9243A33 - Design Control Reference3 - Reparable ItemTRIUMPH ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEMS, LLC  11599    CAGE 11599  
Code Definitions

1 - Source of Control Reference

Reference Number Category Code (DRN_2910)

Source of Control Reference. The number assigned by a design control manufacturer of an end item of equipment, including a Government activity, to a drawing that restricts procurement (1) to the specified item(s) described on the drawing and (2) to the stated source(s) of supply designated thereon. These restrictions are imposed on the cognizant design activity to ensure procurement of the only item(s) known as a result of test or evaluation to be satisfactory for the stated critical application. Includes only those drawings which meet the definition for Source Control Drawing in MIL-STD-100. (Applicable only to type 1, 1B, 2, 4 and 4B item identifications.)

3 - Design Control Reference

Reference Number Category Code (DRN_2910)

Design Control Reference. The primary number used to identify an item of production or a range of items of production, by the manufacturer (individual, company, firm, corporation, or Government activity) which controls the design, characteristics, and production of the item by means of its engineering drawings, specifications and inspection requirements.

3 - Reparable Item

Reference Number Variation Code (DRN_4780)

A vendor's reference (part) number on a source control item, as defined in MIL-STD-100A, which is reparable through the removal, exchange, and reinstallation of component parts. The related source control document number will also reflect the code 3. This code is limited to a type 1B or 4B item identification.

FLIS - SEG A - IDENTIFICATION | NSN 2915-00-001-2627 Submit RFQ
292915000012627A2390032360FN2DNA27 Sep 1972
Code Definitions


Federal Supply Group (FSG_3994/FSC_WI_FSG_3996)

Engine Accessories


Federal Supply Class (FSC_3994/FSC_WI_FSC_3996)

Engine Fuel System Components, Aircraft and Missile Prime Movers


National Item Identification Number (NCB_CD_4130/I_I_NBR_4131)

NSN 2915-00-001-2627


Federal Item Identification Guide (FIIG_4065)


Item Naming Code (INC_4080)

27 Sep 1972

NIIN Assignment Date (DT_NIIN_ASGMT_2180)


Item Criticality (CRITL_CD_FIIG_3843)

The item is an Aviation Critical Safety Item/Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Part ((ACSI/FSCAP).


Type of Item Identification (TYP_II_4820)

Partial Descriptive - Reference - Descriptive Item Identification (Type 1B Concept)


Reference / Partial Descriptive Method Reason Code (RPDMRC_4765)

The approved item name applied to this item exists for use exclusively with the partial descriptive method of item identification - Miscellaneous Items Federal Item Identification Guide A239.


Demilitarization Code (DEMIL_CD_0167)

MLI (SME) — Total destruction of item and components so as to preclude restoration or repair to a usable condition by melting, cutting, tearing, scratching, crushing, breaking, punching, neutralizing, etc. (As an alternate, burial or deep water dumping may be used when coordinated with the DOD Demilitarization Program Office.)


Hazardous Material Indicator Code (HMIC_0865)

Indicates there is no data in the HMIRS and the NSN is in a FSC not generally suspected of containing hazardous materials.


Precious Metals Indicator Code (PMIC_0802)

Item does not contain Precious Metal.

FLIS - SEG B - MOE RULE DATA | NSN 2915-00-001-2627 Submit RFQ
MOE RuleFormer MOEAMCAMSCNIMSCIMCIMC ActivityAACDSORCollaboratorsReceiversEffective Date
YW011 Apr 1991
ZH011 Apr 1991
FXX4FEE43BPDCN1 Sep 2000
NAXS3B5DCN1 Aug 2004
YA011 Jan 2011
Code Definitions


Acquisition Method Code (AMC_2871)

Acquire directly from the actual manufacturer, whether or not the prime contractor is the actual manufacturer.


Acquisition Method Suffix Code (AMSC_2876)

Acquisition of this part is restricted to source(s) specified on "Source Control", "Altered Item" or "Selected Item" drawings/documents. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.


Nonconsumable Item Material Support Code (NIMSC_0076)

Total depot maintenance is being accomplished by commercial contract.


Item Management Code (IMC_2744)

Major End Items of Equipment: Items of such importance to the operations readiness of operating units that they are subject to continuing centralized individual item management and asset control throughout all command and support echelons.


Nonconsumable Item Material Support Code (NIMSC_0076)

Depot Reparable Component (Type II). This code identifies SICA managed depot reparable components assigned to another service which is responsible for the logistics functions of single submitter cataloger, acquisition and disposal authority, depot maintenance, and performs the wholesale stock, store, and issue functions and establishes, budgets, and funds the wholesale stock level requirement. Supply requirements will be submitted to the PICA on requisitions which are funded by a designated point within the SICA. Unserviceable SICA assets will normally be returned to the PICA for credit. The SICA will provide item/program data required by the PICA to meet the materiel support commitments. Normally, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPR) will not be requested by the PICA to support SICA NIMSC 5 requirements. The SICA CMD will reflect Source of Supply or SOS Modifiers compatible with the SICA managing activity. The PICA will not be entered in the DAAS IMM field.


Depot Source of Repair Codes (DSOR_0903)

Contract, Contiguous United States (CONUS)

FLIS - SEG C - REFERENCE NUMBER | NSN 2915-00-001-2627 Submit RFQ
3132SBD5015T24P11  99207   CAGE/99207
3335SBD9243A3  11599   CAGE/11599
Code Definitions


Reference Number Format Code (RNFC_2920)

Number format is unknown. (Coded RNFC 3 by the Defense Logistics Information Service upon implementation of FLIS.)


Reference Number Category Code (RNCC_2910)

Source of Control Reference. The number assigned by a design control manufacturer of an end item of equipment, including a Government activity, to a drawing that restricts procurement (1) to the specified item(s) described on the drawing and (2) to the stated source(s) of supply designated thereon. These restrictions are imposed on the cognizant design activity to ensure procurement of the only item(s) known as a result of test or evaluation to be satisfactory for the stated critical application. Includes only those drawings which meet the definition for Source Control Drawing in MIL-STD-100. (Applicable only to type 1, 1B, 2, 4 and 4B item identifications.)


Reference Number Variation Code (RNVC_4780)

A vendor's reference (part) number on a source control item, as defined in MIL-STD-100A, which is reparable through the removal, exchange, and reinstallation of component parts. The related source control document number will also reflect the code 3. This code is limited to a type 1B or 4B item identification.


Document Availability Code (DAC_2640)

The reference number is represented by a drawing and the drawing was available to the RNAAC, who may or may not be the submitting activity, at the time of submission of the reference number; however, the RNAAC cannot furnish the drawing.


Reference Number Action Activity Code (RNAAC_2900)

645 MSSQ/MSIAPCS, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-5603


Reference Number Status Code (RNSC_2923)

Procurement authority of the manufacturer and reference number have not yet been checked. NOTE: This code is to be allocated to reference numbers still requiring checks on procurement authority.


Reference Number Category Code (RNCC_2910)

Design Control Reference. The primary number used to identify an item of production or a range of items of production, by the manufacturer (individual, company, firm, corporation, or Government activity) which controls the design, characteristics, and production of the item by means of its engineering drawings, specifications and inspection requirements.


Document Availability Code (DAC_2640)

The reference number is represented by a drawing, but the drawing was not available to the RNAAC, who may or may not be the submitting activity, at the time of submission of the reference number.

ISCOriginatorNIIN StatusReplaced / Replacement ISCReplaced / Replacement OriginatorReplacement NIIN StatusReplacement DateReplaced / Replacement NSNDecision Date
3TU01TU025 Aug 1984 2915010172366 25 Aug 1984
Code Definitions


Item Standardization Code (ISC_2650)

An item which, as a result of a formal item reduction study, is accepted as not authorized for procurement.


Originator of Standardization Decision (ORG_STDZN_DEC_9325)

AF Cataloging Agent DLIS-K, Battle Creek, MI 49037-3094


NIIN Status Code (NIIN_STAT_CD_2670)

Item is active. File data coded KFD is forwarded. if this KFD data represents your item of supply, submit, if applicable, an LAD, LAU, or LCU transaction. Otherwise, use the National Stock Number (NSN) in your supply system.


Replaced / Replacement Item Standardization Code (ISC_2650)

An item authorized for procurement as a result of a formal item reduction study and accepted as a replacement for one or more items not authorized for procurement. In addition, in generic relationships, a code 1 item is related to a code 2 item.

25 Aug 1984

Date of Replacement Standardization Decision (DT_STDZN_DEC_2300)


Replaced / Replacement NSN (RP_NSN_STD_RL_8977 / RPLM_NSN_STDZ_9525)

25 Aug 1984

Standardization Decision Date (DT_STDZN_DEC_2300)

FLIS - SEG G - FREIGHT DATA | NSN 2915-00-001-2627 Submit RFQ
IntegrityOriginatingHMCLCLWCCTCCSHCADCACCASHLTLNMFCNMFC Sub ItemUFCFreight DescriptionRail Variance
Code Definitions


Originating Activity Code (ORIG_ACTY_CD_4210)

Warner-Robins Air Logistics Center, Robins AFB, GA 31098-5609


Less Than Carload (LCL_CD_2760)



Water Commodity Code (WRT_CMDTY_CD_9275)

Pumps and Parts, (machinery and parts), (less than 35 feet)


Type Cargo Code (TYPE_CGO_CD_9260)

Aircraft engine, internal combustion engines and fuel control devices


Special Handling Code (SP_HDLG_CD_9240)

No special handling required. Heavy Lift (HL). Five short tons (10,000 lbs) or more. Applies to any piece, package, or palletized, unitized or containerized unit (excluding SEAVAN/MILVAN). Outsized Dimensions. Dimensions of any piece, package, or palletized, unitized or containerized unit (excluding SEAVAN/MILVAN, CONEXs, and POVs) which exceed six (6) feet in any dimension.


Air Dimension Code (AIR_DIM_CD_9220)

Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 72 inches in any dimension.


Air Commodity Code (AIR_CMTY_HDLG_9215)

Supplies and equipment for aircraft and aerial targets, including aircraft and maintenance parts, aircraft accessories, aircraft instruments and laboratory test equipment, aerial targets and gliders, aircraft/missile technical order compliance kits, etc


Air Special Handling Code (AIR_CMTY_HDLG_9215)

No special handling required.


National Motor Freight Classification Number (NMFC Item Number) (NMFC_2850)


NMFC Sub Item Number (SUB_ITM_NBR_0861)


Uniform Freight Classification (UFC_CD_MODF_3040)


Freight Description (FRT_DESC_4020)

Rail Variance

Rail Variance (RAIL_VARI_CD_4760)

No Variation. NMFC and UFCC Match.

FLIS - SEG H - MANAGEMENT DATA | NSN 2915-00-001-2627 Submit RFQ
Code Definitions


Source of Supply (SOS_CD_3690) or Source of Supply Modifier (SOSM_CD_2948)

Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center, 3001 Staff Drive, Tinker AFB, OK 73145-3303


Acquisition Advice Code (AAC_2507)

TERMINAL ITEM. Identifies items in stock, but future procurement is not authorized. Requisitions may continue to be submitted until stocks are exhausted. Preferred item National Stock Number is normally provided by application of the phrase: When Exhausted Use (NSN). Requisitions will be submitted in accordance with IMM/Service requisitioning procedures as applicable.


Controlled Item Inventory Code (CIIC_2863)

Aircraft engine equipment and parts


Quantity Unit Pack (QUP_6106)



Reparability Code (REP_CD_DLA_2934 / REP_CD_CG_0709 / ERRC_CD_AF_2655 / RECOV_CD_MC_2891 / RECOV_CD_AR_2892 / MAT_CTL_NVY_2832)

AIR FORCE ERRC XD2: AF Recoverable Assembly Management System (AFRAMS); NAVY: Terminal Items


Unit of Issue (UI_3050)

Each - A numeric quantity of one item of supply. Do not use if a more specific term applies, such as kit, set, assortment, assembly, group, sheet, plate, strip or length.


Shelf Life Code (SLC_2943)

TYPE I or TYPE II (Non-Deteriorative/No Shelf-Life) - An individual item of supply which is determined through an evaluation of technical test data and/or actual experience to be an item with a definite non-extendible period of shelf-life OR An individual item of supply having an assigned shelf-life time period that may be extended after completion of inspection/test/restorative action.


Source of Supply (SOS_CD_3690) or Source of Supply Modifier (SOSM_CD_2948)

Naval Inventory Control Point, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098


Controlled Item Inventory Code (CIIC_2863)

Non-Sensitive (SRC-N/A) — UNCLASSIFIED AA&E or Items assigned a Demilitarization Code other than A, B, Q or P for which another CIIC is inappropriate. (NOTE: The loss, theft, unlawful 011disposition, and/or recovery of an item with CIIC 7 will be investigated in accordance with DoD 4000.25-2-M and DoD 7200.14–R, Volume 12, Chapter7).


Reparability Code (REP_CD_DLA_2934 / REP_CD_CG_0709 / ERRC_CD_AF_2655 / RECOV_CD_MC_2891 / RECOV_CD_AR_2892 / MAT_CTL_NVY_2832)

ARMY: If condemned or uneconomically repairable, then dispose at intermediate level; COAST GUARD: Reparable item. Repair, condemnation, and disposal not authorized below intermediate (district) level; MARINE CORPS: Reparable item. When uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose at fourth echelon level; NAVY: Depot Level Reparable


Service / Agency Code (MOE_CD_2833)

Department of the Air Force


Service / Agency Code (MOE_CD_2833)

Department of the Navy

FLIS - SEG W - PACKAGING DATA | NSN 2915-00-001-2627 Submit RFQ
SourcePICA / SICAPackaging CategoryStoragePreservationClean/DryINT QtyUnit WeightUnit SizeUnit Pack CubeItem WeightItem Dims
PP33100021.0 lbs20.5in x 14.5in x 14.5in2.494 cu ft12.0 lbs12in x 6in x 6in
Preservation MaterialWrapping MaterialCushioning / DunnageCushioning ThicknessUnit ContainerIntermediate ContainerUnit Container LevelSpecial MarkingLevel A PackingLevel B PackingMinimal PackingOptional Procedure
Code Definitions


Packaging Data Source Code (PK_DTA_SRC_CD_5148)

Primary Inventory Control Activity (PICA)


Primary / Secondary Inventory Control Code (PICA_SICA_IND_5099)

Primary Inventory Control Activity (PICA)


Method of Preservation Code (MTHD_PRSRV_CD_5160)

Greaseproof-waterproof bag, Sealed


Cleaning and Drying Procedure Code (CLNG_DRY_PRC_5161)

Any suitable process that is not injurious to the item.


Intermediate Container Quantity (INTMD_CTN_QTY_5152)

21.0 lbs

Unit Pack Weight (UP_WT_5153)

20.5in x 14.5in x 14.5in

Unit Pack Size (UP_SZ_5154)

2.494 cu ft

Unit Pack Cube (UP_CU_5155)

12.0 lbs

Unpackaged Item Weight (UNPKG_ITM_WT_5157)

12in x 6in x 6in

Unpackaged Item Dimensions (UNPKG_ITM_DIM_5158)


Preservation Material Code (PRSRV_MAT_CD_5162)

Preserve with normal operating lubricant


Thickness of Cushioning or Dunnage Code (THK_CUSH_DUN_5165)

As required to protect the item or elements of the package


Unit Container Code (UNIT_CTNR_CD_5166)

PPP-B-1672, Type IV, horizontal star cushioning in reusable box.


Intermediate Container Code (INTMD_CTNR_CD_5167)

No requirement.


Unit Container Level Code (UNIT_CTNR_LVL_5168)

Unit container provides level B packing protection.


Special Marking Code (SP_MKG_CD_5169)

Special requirements


Optional Procedure Indicator Code (OPTNL_PRO_IND_5173)

All packaging data is mandatory for compliance and no substitutions are permitted. Fast packs should be included in this category.

FLIS - SEG M/V - CHARACTERISTICS DATA | NSN 2915-00-001-2627 Submit RFQ
MRCDecoded RequirementClear Text Reply
AGAVEnd Item IdentificationAIRCRAFT ENGINE J85-GE-21
TEXTGeneral Characteristics Item DescriptionMAIN FUEL PUMP MODEL MFP-150-2
ZZZYReference Number Differentiating CharacteristicsAS DIFFERENTIATED FROM SOURCE CONTROL NO. 5015T24P11

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