

6250-99-199-7779 (6250991997779, 991997779)
Part Numbers (5 listings): NOPRIMARYREF99-199-7779 | S1547 | F1904 | O585-16364 | 6DA1420 |

FSG 62 / FSC 6250




Date Created: 25 Apr 1991

MSDS: None

Hazmat: None

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Manufacturer Part NumberRNCCRNVCManufacturer NameCAGE
NO PRIMARY REF 99-199-77793 - Design Control Reference2 - Production ItemTHIS NCAGE IS USED TO INFORM THAT  IREF0    CAGE IREF0  
S15475 - Replaced / Discontinued2 - Production ItemOSRAM LTD UK LTD  K0515      
F19045 - Replaced / Discontinued2 - Production ItemBENDER & WIRTH GMBH & CO.  D8863      
O585-163646 - Informative Reference9 - No Longer UsedMINISTRY OF DEFENCE ES  KD264      
6DA14206 - Informative Reference9 - No Longer UsedMINISTRY OF DEFENCE AIR DOMESTIC R  U1725      
Code Definitions

3 - Design Control Reference

Reference Number Category Code (DRN_2910)

Design Control Reference. The primary number used to identify an item of production or a range of items of production, by the manufacturer (individual, company, firm, corporation, or Government activity) which controls the design, characteristics, and production of the item by means of its engineering drawings, specifications and inspection requirements.

5 - Replaced / Discontinued

Reference Number Category Code (DRN_2910)

Secondary Reference. Any additional number, other than a primary number (codes 1,2,3,4) informative reference (code 6) or vendor item drawing reference (code 7) assigned to an item of production or supply by a commercial or Government organization, which represents the same item of production or supply to which the National Stock Number (NSN) was assigned. The reference number may have had an RNCC of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 7 but has since been replaced in the item-of-supply concept of the NSN by another primary number.

6 - Informative Reference

Reference Number Category Code (DRN_2910)

Informative Reference. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Stock Numbers (CAGE Code 99995), Production Equipment Codes (CAGE 99998), and DoD Ammunition Codes (CAGE Code 99999) which may be related to NSNs. (Reference numbers for the CAGE Codes cited above shall be coded RNVC 9.)

2 - Production Item

Reference Number Variation Code (DRN_4780)

A design control or other reference number that is an item-identifying number for an item of production, or a source control reference or a specification or standard part, type, or similar reference number that is an item-identifying number for an item of supply.

9 - No Longer Used

Reference Number Variation Code (DRN_4780)

A specification, standard, or other reference number which is superseded, canceled, obsolete or discontinued and is coded Reference Number Category Code (RNCC) 5; a reference number for information only coded RNCC 6; or a reference number coded RNCC D.

FLIS - SEG A - IDENTIFICATION | NSN 6250-99-199-7779 Submit RFQ
626250991997779009532225 Apr 1991
Code Definitions


Federal Supply Group (FSG_3994/FSC_WI_FSG_3996)

Lighting Fixtures and Lamps


Federal Supply Class (FSC_3994/FSC_WI_FSC_3996)

Ballasts, Lampholders, and Starters


National Item Identification Number (NCB_CD_4130/I_I_NBR_4131)

NSN 6250-99-199-7779


Item Naming Code (INC_4080)

25 Apr 1991

NIIN Assignment Date (DT_NIIN_ASGMT_2180)


Type of Item Identification (TYP_II_4820)

Reference Item Identification


Reference / Partial Descriptive Method Reason Code (RPDMRC_4765)

The approved item name applied to this item exists for use exclusively with the partial descriptive method of item identification - Miscellaneous Items Federal Item Identification Guide A239.

FLIS - SEG B - MOE RULE DATA | NSN 6250-99-199-7779 Submit RFQ
MOE RuleFormer MOEAMCAMSCNIMSCIMCIMC ActivityAACDSORCollaboratorsReceiversEffective Date
Code Definitions

FLIS - SEG C - REFERENCE NUMBER | NSN 6250-99-199-7779 Submit RFQ
3522ZKDS1547  K0515  
4522ZKDF1904  D8863  
1699ZKDO585-16364  KD264  
3699ZKD6DA1420  U1725  
Code Definitions


Reference Number Format Code (RNFC_2920)

Number is totally in-the-clear (without modification) as originally configured by the manufacturer, design control activity, or supplier.


Reference Number Category Code (RNCC_2910)

Design Control Reference. The primary number used to identify an item of production or a range of items of production, by the manufacturer (individual, company, firm, corporation, or Government activity) which controls the design, characteristics, and production of the item by means of its engineering drawings, specifications and inspection requirements.


Reference Number Variation Code (RNVC_4780)

A design control or other reference number that is an item-identifying number for an item of production, or a source control reference or a specification or standard part, type, or similar reference number that is an item-identifying number for an item of supply.


Document Availability Code (DAC_2640)

The reference number is of the type for which an indication of document availability is not required.


Reference Number Action Activity Code (RNAAC_2900)

United Kingdom


Reference Number Status Code (RNSC_2923)

Procurement authority of the manufacturer and reference number have not yet been checked. NOTE: This code is to be allocated to reference numbers still requiring checks on procurement authority.


Reference Number Format Code (RNFC_2920)

Number format is unknown. (Coded RNFC 3 by the Defense Logistics Information Service upon implementation of FLIS.)


Reference Number Category Code (RNCC_2910)

Secondary Reference. Any additional number, other than a primary number (codes 1,2,3,4) informative reference (code 6) or vendor item drawing reference (code 7) assigned to an item of production or supply by a commercial or Government organization, which represents the same item of production or supply to which the National Stock Number (NSN) was assigned. The reference number may have had an RNCC of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 7 but has since been replaced in the item-of-supply concept of the NSN by another primary number.


Document Availability Code (DAC_2640)

The reference number is represented by a drawing and the drawing was available to the RNAAC, who may or may not be the submitting activity, at the time of submission of the reference number; however, the RNAAC cannot furnish the drawing.


Reference Number Format Code (RNFC_2920)

Number is formatted as configured on the originating document with the exception of the modification required in volume 2, chapter 2.9.Number is formatted as configured on the originating document with the exception of the modification required in volume 2, chapter 2.9 .


Reference Number Category Code (RNCC_2910)

Informative Reference. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Stock Numbers (CAGE Code 99995), Production Equipment Codes (CAGE 99998), and DoD Ammunition Codes (CAGE Code 99999) which may be related to NSNs. (Reference numbers for the CAGE Codes cited above shall be coded RNVC 9.)


Reference Number Variation Code (RNVC_4780)

A specification, standard, or other reference number which is superseded, canceled, obsolete or discontinued and is coded Reference Number Category Code (RNCC) 5; a reference number for information only coded RNCC 6; or a reference number coded RNCC D.

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