PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-459

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-459 - Page 4 of 49
adio installation in your Ml tank
IS pRetty tight-not much ±oom.
YoU might thINK cable ConNectIoN
damage ²s UNavoIdaBle, But mayBe Not³
an examPle:
59¹5º01»¼84½4865¾ mouNts at the ReAR
of The ¿À/VÁ´ºÂ4 oR »12 RadIo³ Ãhe
Rear mouNt maÄes coNneCting the caBle
a Real choRe FOR anyone except the
small»handedÅ DisconNectINg the caBle
Is just as toughÆ
Ço some caBle coNnecto±s get deÈ
stRoyed when ÉustRated mechs yanÄ
the Radio out to get at the caBle
No cable slack
damaged connectors
You caN RedÊCe the Chances foR thIs
ÄInd of damage By geTTing as much
CaBLe slacË at the Rea± of the RadIo as
MaKing sLack in The connecTing cable
eases Removal, lessens damage
¿lmost all caBles have some slacK
left when theyÍRe InstalledÎ Move as
mUch as yoÊ Need (oR as much as Ïs
avaiÐaBle) so the RadIo can Be pulled
oÊt to Reach The caBle coNnectionÑ
FEB 91

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