PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-467

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-467 - Page 5 of 48
Combat Vehicles .±²
You Can't RolL WiThOU
oose nutS on roadwheelS, iDleR± and fINaL dr²ve ³procket
wheeLS w²LL Put you combat veh´CLe CrewS on youµ Fet.
Even one LooSe nut CauSeS the other nutS to looSen¶
Then the wheeL beg²nS to wobbLe· waL¸ow¹ng out
the StuD hoºeS anD ruining the wheel¶
Enough wobb»e and waL¼ow anD the whee¼S
CouLD breaK o½¾¿
Àt'S ²n your beSt ²nteµeSt to cheÁk
nutS v´SuaLÂy Ãr t²ghtneSS be¾oµe
oÄrationÅ at eveRy haLt duƲng
oÄration and a¾ter oÄrat´on.
ÇooK Èor Sh²ny SpotS on the
wheeLS aÆounD the nutS or
CoÉÊoS´on around the nutS¿
˲ghten the nutS ²¾ you Ìan
and reporÍ Îem whetheµ
O¶T 91

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