PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-477

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-477 - Page 5 of 51
Is BettEr
ore is n
t beT±er wheN I± comes to lubiNg yoUr Rifle or machiNe guN.
²oo much lUbe LetS ca³bon bu´Ld Up FaSte³µ ¶Oon moviNg Parts-like ±he bolt·
have ±roUb¸e moviNg back and ¹ºR±h» Even±Ually your weapoN SpU±±ers to a stoP.
¼n sandy aReas, over½¾ubiNg is aN eveN biggeR daNger¿ ¶and m´xeS w´th ±he ¸ube
to FÀRm a ScouriNg powder ±ha± gr´ndS up moviNg pa³tSÁ
¶o how mUch lube shoULd yoU USe? YoUr
²M is the bes± guide. ± ShowS
sPec´FicaLÃy what par±s doN't need much lUbe aNd what partS need a bit mo³eÄ
BU± Remember ±he diÅerence between Light and geNeroUs lUbe Æ¿ »itÇs imPor±antÈ
Ãigh± ¸ubiNg ´s baReÃy visible; a geNeroUs lubing iS heavy eNoUgh thaÉ you caN
spread i± wi±H yoUr fiNgerÊ
ÂF you SPray ÃUbe on ¾´ke i±Ës room ÌResheNeRÍ yoUÎve
cRossed the ÃiNe be±ween geNeroUS and ±oo mUchÊ
¼n SaNdy areasÍ ligh±Ly lUbe oNly iN±eRna¸ moviNg paR±Sµ Don't wor³y aboU± the
outside oÌ the weapoN» ¶aNd is a bigger daNger ±han coRrosioN ´N the deSe³±Ï
ÐF you thiNk yoUÎve put ±oo mUch lube oNÑ doNÒT be aFra´d to wipe i± oFÌ aNd s±aR±
aga´N» YoUr weapoN w´¸¸ thaNk yoU.
aUG 92

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