PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-520

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MARCH 1996

PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-520 - Page 2 of 51
Experience as a Teacher
othing Tops exPrience
a TeacheR. Fo± SoldIe²s, howeve³´
aNd eµ±oR can
b Ve±y eXpens¶Ve-aNd Not juSt iN money·
¸f you'¹e "BeeN The±e And doNe thaTº, aNd you»Ve come up with a solu¼ioN
p±o½Lem ThAt ¾aces maNy sold¶eRs, cons¶de± shA²¶Ng you¿ eXpe¿ienCe wiÀh ThemÁ
ÂÂG ÃeOÄf±ey Åuppel of FT ÆampÇÈL doeÉ on ÊaËe 41 o¾ Th¶s ¶SÌUeÍ He ÎeÏls
how To keep Ðlack Hawk eNgiNe cove¿s ¶n pÑace iN st±ong wiNdÒÓ
Ôa¿y W¶ÕlIams aNd Ö¿Îhu¿ HoLT sol×ed a lacØng wiRe p±o½Lem oN the M24Ù guNÚ
ÛTÜÉ oN Êage Ý6Þ
You can sha±e your eXßàIeNces, Tooá Âend »em To uÒ By whaâeve± meãhod äs
aåaiæa½le ço youè
éR wR¶Te:
MSG Half-Mast
The Preventive MaIntenance Mont±Ly
BLdg 3325
Redstone A²senaL, A³
êf leâTeR w±iT¶Ng ¶s a Cho±e aNd seems
Too ½ackwëàd ìí± These Times, you caN
eîma¶l oR
yoï± iDEa to uSÞ Önd
¼heReðs añways the phoNeÓ
We Can'T compeTe w¶Àh Îhe ÖRmò»ó
suggesTioN p¿og±am o± w¶Th ÂMÖôõö
÷o qua϶¾y øí± a CaSh awa±dù They'±e
you± BesT BeTÁ én Àhe otheR haNdú ¶¾
you JusT wanT To ûeT oTheR ma¶nTeî
NaNce and üuppLy Types iN on
whaÀ wo±kS
you, ÎheN ÕeÎ
ÊÂ heLp you shë¿e ¶Tý

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