PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-538

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-538 - Page 6 of 51
&TLFP lead-aciD Bater .±²
e latest Lead
acid baTTery foR miLI±a²y veh³C´es, THe 6µ¶FP· NSN 6140-01-
¸3¹-º172» LOOks d³¼¼eRenT and ³s ma³nTAined d³¼½eRenTLy THan THe baTTeR³es ³t
¿He 6¿ÀÁP Has a gRee Ãase and a bLaÃk TOpÄ ÅT aLsO ÃOmes OverÆaÃked w³TH
imprOved eLeÃTÇO´yTeÈ whiÃh ³s nOt ava³Lable in THe suppÉy sysTemÊ
When Used and ma³nTËIned ÃOrRecTLyÌ THe 6µÀÁP w³l´ pÇOv³de pOweR ÍOR ThÇee
TO γve yeaRsÄ
SO wHaT's THe R³gHt Use and ma³nTenanÏe?
Ðse THem as setÑÒ ÅÓ ÔTHeR wÔRDÑÕ iT wÖuL× be besT i½ all yOز vehICleÙs baTTe²Úes
weRe 6µÛÁPsÜ Ý´THOUgH the 6µÛÁP Ãan be Used w³TH OLdeRÞsTyLe baTßeà³esá yOU'LL
geT BTTeà ÆeR¼OâmËnÃe I½ yOU Use ±Hem as seTsã
Ž yOU mUsT m³x THe new baTTeäåes w³TH OLder OnesÈ æOmÆare çHe sÆeó½³Ã
graviTy O½ THe batteR³eè
iÓsTaLé³ng tHemÒ
ê½ çHe ë³Î¼eRenÃe ³n sìóÎíà gRav³Ty beTween any baççeîïes ³s mOre THan 0ð0ñ0ò
Ãharge çHe weAkeR baTßeRyó ôTHeõ³seò THe sTROngeR batTe²y dös aLL the wORk Anë
sOOn ³s nO ÷TTer tHan tHe weaker Oneð
Ž yÖUR uniT dÔes nOt haVe a baTTery Ãha²geR» geT yOUR øS/GS Un³t TO dÔ The
pS 538
s³´ 97

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