PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-599

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-599 - Page 8 of 32
Batteries are critical to the Avenger's performance. If the batteries aren't at full
strength, the Avenger can give you firing faults. Make sure the crew does the bat-
tery PMCS spelled out in the Avenger operator's TM.
But all that battery PM won't do
much good if the ground strap for the
battery is in bad shape. A bad ground
weakens battery performance. Check
that the ground strap is tightly con-
nected and not frayed or corroded.
Clean off corrosion with a wire
brush. Replace a frayed ground strap.
Access Panels
If you force the screws for
the access panels as tight as
possible, you'll pop out the
inserts for the screws. As your
support can testify, it's a time-
consuming job to replace
those inserts. Hand tight is
tight enough when you install
the panel screws.
Pay attention to the access
panel seals, too. If the seals are
missing or have gaps, exhaust
and moisture can get into the
turret. Exhaust shortens the
operator's life and moisture
causes electrical problems.
PS 599
OCT 02
Argon Bottles
Each of the Avenger's four argon bot-
tles has a pressure test date that's good for
5 years. Once those 5 years have passed,
you're not supposed to use the bottle until
it's tested again. Using a bottle that may
be leaking and have low pressure causes
cryogenics problems.
So right now check the dates on all
your unit's argon bottles. If any of their
pressure tests are expiring in the next 6
months, get them tested now by support.
We’re three
checks who
can make your
life easier.
give us a
check us
These three
checks can indeed
save you lots of
trouble down the
line, Avenger
repairmen. So
check them out.
Check date on
Argon bottles
Is Battery
ground strap
or loose?
Turn panel screws
hand tight and stop
Check for
missing or
bad panel
Avenger Missile System…
599. 14-15 (C)
11:26 AM
Page 1

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