PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-618

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MAY 2004

PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-618 - Page 8 of 33
PS 618
MAY 04
he electronics unit (EU) and electronics box (EB) are the electrical nerve center
for the MLRS.
If water gets in them, they can short out and suffer expensive damage. Your
MLRS fizzles out for firing.
How can you keep the EU and EB OK? Think
Do everything you can to keep
water out of their boxes. Never use high-pressure hoses above track level. No mat-
ter how well you think the EU and EB are waterproofed, they're no match against
those hoses.
Before taking your MLRS through the wash rack, cover the EU and EB with plas-
tic. Remember to remove the plastic when you're done.
Leave the lids on the EU and EB.
Direct support should be the only ones
taking off the lids. When you take off
their lids, you ruin the gaskets that
keep them water-tight.
Make sure all four bolts that hold
the EB to the battery box are in place
and are tightly screwed in with correct
washers and gaskets. Often the bottom
two bolts are forgotten and that can let
water in the EB. Help the bolts stay
tight by spreading a light coat of sili-
cone sealant, NSN 5330-01-165-2363
on them before you screw them in.
During weekly PMCS, look over
both the EU and EB for cracks, holes,
and missing screws. Report any prob-
lems you spot.
PS 618
When you do remove the
launcher, check for corro-
sion on the two suspension
lugs that help hold the
launcher in place. Clean off
any with a wire brush and
green pads and then give the
lugs a coat of CLP.
Also look for the dust
cover on the purge switch. It
disappears and without the
cover the environmental
control system processors
are more likely to suffer
water damage. You can
order more dust covers with
They're cheap, so keep
extras on hand.
Eyeball the launcher rails
for end caps, NSN 1055-01-
262-1775. They disappear
fast. It's a good idea to keep
extras on hand. The caps
help keep moisture and dirt
out of the inside of the rails.
When it does come time
for loading missiles, you
and a buddy—don't try to
do the job yourself—should
pick up a missile by its
body. If you use a fin as a
hand-hold, it can break off.
Holding the rear end of the
missile can break off the
graphite that burns in flight.
Keep your fingers off the
laser seeker dome, too.
Fingerprints can hurt the
laser's effectiveness.
Leave lids on EU and EB
Bolts in place?
Check both suspension lugs for corrosion
Dust cover
Fin can
…so can end
of missile
hurt laser’s
hey, sparky,
that hose is ok
for my track,
no higher!
618. 12-13 (C)
11:57 AM
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