PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-674

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-674 - Page 4 of 38
PS 674
JAN 09
echanics, the heat shields in the M1-series tank’s engine compartment are there to
protect the fuel cells from the extreme heat of the engine.
That’s why you need to treat the shields with care, especially when reinstalling the
powerpack. After all, damaged shields are almost as bad as no shields at all.
rivers, as good as the new Hawker batteries are, they can still be drained while your
Bradley sits around the motorpool, especially if you forget to turn off all electronic
equipment during downtimes.
So you’ll need to keep them charged up during PMCS. That means starting and
running your Bradley for 30 minutes or more at high idle. Or you can save fuel by
using a battery charger for a couple of hours if one is available.
Do that once a week or so and the batteries will be charged and ready to go for
your next mission.
Heat Shield Tape
The tape on the edges of all the heat shields takes a lot of rough treatment. Fuel, oil
and water lead to dry rot. Bumps and rubs during powerpack installation wear out the
tape before its time.
The PMCS tables in the -20-1-1 TMs say the vehicle is NMC if the heat shields are
damaged, so most units simply replace them.
If the tape is all that’s damaged, you
can save your unit those repair bucks
by replacing it instead of the heat
shield. As long as the damaged section
of tape is 12 inches long or less, pull
off the old tape and replace it with
tape, NSN 7510-01-176-3398.
Heat shields with more extensive
damage must be replaced following
the TM to avoid a ±re hazard or
further damage to the tank.
Heat Shield Brackets
The shield, NSN 5640-01-083-5375, on the right side of the engine compartment is held
in place with two angle brackets. These brackets are a bit short, so it’s easy for the shield
to slip loose from them.
When that happens, the top of the heat shield leans out and gets crushed by the
powerpack as it’s lowered into place. Your tank is NMC until the heat shield is replaced.
Before reinstalling the engine, check the angle brackets. Make sure they’re tightened
down and the heat shield is held in place by
Never try to make do with just one bracket. Both are needed to properly secure the
heat shield.
Replace missing brackets with NSN 5340-01-115-0628. You’ll also need a new screw,
NSN 5305-00-068-7837; lock washer, NSN 5310-01-374-5430; and flat washer, NSN 5310-
01-379-0804, to hold each bracket in place.
M1-Series Tanks…
M2/M3-Series Bradleys…
Replace torn or dry-rotted tape
you’re no
for my
fuel cells!
my mechanics
took great
care of my
heat shield!
Heat shield still clipped in place?
Shield can
easily slip
loose from
angle bracket
THERE’S nothing like
good charge
my hawker batteries!
as Bad
4:35:21 PM
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