PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-719

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-719 - Page 14 of 33
PS 719
OCT 12
PS 719
OCT 12
echanics, your AH-64 aircraft is not a lightweight. So position yourself correctly if
you have to use brute strength to move it slightly.
When aircraft sit lined up in a hangar, there are times when there is no room to
maneuver with a towbar and tug to remove the aircraft. So your only option is to push
the aircraft to a position where towing is possible.
Pushing takes a minimum of Fve people: One to ride the brakes, two to wing watch,
and two on both sides of the helicopter (using more reduces the risk of injury). The
trick is where to position yourself on the stubby wings. Push the aircraft between the
missile launcher and the rocket launcher using the stubby wings. If you wedge yourself
between the inner pylon and the E±AB, you’ll get your feet run over by the tires.
Put some muscle and your back into it and
push until something happens
(P.U.S.H.). After you’ve moved the aircraft into the open, attach the towbar and tug to
Fnish moving the aircraft.
ilots, now that the Kiowa Warrior has the new M3P .50 cal machine gun, NSN 1005-01-
303-5250, strapped to its pylon, things just got a little more interesting.
After each firing of the gun, check your aircraft chin bubble and the area around the
static port for damage.
Unlike the old M296 .50 cal machine gun with its shorter barrel, the M3P gun’s longer
barrel, plus vibration and rapid firing, can cause cracks in the chin bubble. Any time the
gun is fired, it sends out powerful shock waves. The chin bubble on the pilot’s side of
the aircraft takes the brunt of the rapid firing of 1,100 rounds per minute.
If you find cracks in the chin bubble, call your airframe shop to fix the cracks or replace
the chin bubble. They may also need to repair the aircraft skin if there’s damage.
Moving Your Aircraft
man, this
gun is
let’s push
this thing
a little bit
until we get it
lined up with
the tow bar!
we’ll push until
something happens!
hey! ya
wanna get
your foOt
run over?
move over
between the
my left
chin bubble
don’t worry.
We’ll check it
for cracks.
719 24-25.indd
4:20 PM
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