PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-719

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-719 - Page 31 of 33
PS 719
OCT 12
n 2010, the Logistics Innovation Agency (LIA), a feld operating agency oF Army
G-4, launched the Enterprise Policy Interactive Capability (EPIC) to help Army
logisticians quickly fnd G-4 administrative publications. We told you about it on
Pages 56-57 in PS 694 (Sep 10).
The web-based, quick-reFerence tool was designed to save logisticians time
searching For relevant pieces oF policy From Army Regulations, Army Pamphlets,
Army All Army Activities (ALARACTs) and DOD transportation regulations
Now LIA, with the sponsorship From the OFfce oF the Administrative Assistant to
the Secretary oF the Army, has developed an enhanced version oF their policy search
tool that includes administrative publications For the entire Army.
Just like the original logistics version, this enhanced EPIC version Functions like
popular commercial search engines, but concentrates its searches on Army and DOD
policy publications.
Users are able to search by words or phrases and the tool will retrieve relevant
paragraph(s) or ALARACT(s).
Logistics Management…
LIA Rolling Out Enhanced EPIC
Upgraded EPIC allows users to search entire
database or pick selected organizations to
search for policy information
Once subject is entered users
can select search criteria by
organization or document type or
both. Search results can be saved.
Row my argOnauts!
ROW for Your
noNe But my faithful
old dog knows that I
am odysseus!
goin’, Mr.
FroDO! you
Can dO it!
everyone likes
a goOd epic, but
soldiers and civilians
going to
EPIc News!
719 58-59.indd
2:34 PM
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