



  TM-9-2350-311-10 - Page 8 of 775

TM 9--2350--311--10
Change 6
Diesel fuel is flammable. DO NOT smoke within 50 feet of the vehicle while refueling to
prevent injury to eyes, skin, and lungs.
The fire extinguisher is ineffective while the engine is running, and doesn’t work at all above
1100 rpm. Ensure engine is shut off before extinguishing fire to prevent serious burns.
Be familiar with all driver’s controls. The two stage accelerator is provided to compensate
for variations in driver’s seat height and in driver’s physical characteristics. DO NOT mis-
take raised portion of accelerator for a brake. DEATH or injury could result from failure to
heed this warning.
If you lose a track (break a track shoe or vehicle throws a track), extreme caution must be
exercised in maintaining control. Immediately release accelerator and let the vehicle coast
to a stop. Do not apply braking action, i.e., brake pedal, laterals, pivot or anytype ofsteering
controls. This causes the vehicle to pull to the active or good track and could result in a
rollover. If it is absolutely necessary, apply braking action only and we stress only, if the
vehicle is approaching a ravine, a cliff, or if you perceive the outcome to be catastrophic,
probably resulting in fatalities. When rollover is imminent, all crew members should im-
mediately withdraw inside the vehicle, tighten seat belts and hold onto a secure fixture, until
the vehicle comes to a complete stop.
When backing the vehicle for emplacement or any other reason, two personnel must guide
the driver to prevent accidental injury.
In accordance with AR 385--55, seat belts must be worn to prevent injury. The vehicle driver
is required to inform passengers and the vehicle commander is responsible for enforce-
ment of this regulation.
After nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) exposure of the howitzer, handle all air filters
with extreme caution. Unprotected personnel may experience injury or deathif residualtox-
ic agents or radioactive material are present. If howitzer is exposed to chemical or biologi-
cal agents, servicing personnel must wear protective mask, hood, overgarments, and
chemical protective gloves and boots. Place all contaminated air filters in double-lined plas-
tic bags. Move them swiftly to a segregation area away fromwork site.The sameprocedure
applies to radioactive dust contamination; however, the company NBC team should mea-
sure radiation prior to filter removal to determine extent of safety procedures required per
NBC annex to unit standing operating procedures (SOP). The segregation area in which
contaminated air filters are temporarily stored must be marked with appropriate NBC plac-
ards. NBC contaminated filters must be handled using adequate precautions and must be
disposed of by trained personnel.
Refer to FM 4--25.11, First Aid for Soldiers, for correct procedures to be taken if personnel
are injured.
Be careful when handling the engine air intake grill and travel lock. Serious injury or death
could occur if struck by either the grille or travel lock.

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