PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-690

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MAY 2010

PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-690 - Page 7 of 33
PS 690
MAY 10
PS 690
What’s a GRS?
Check the harness, tail strap, mount retractor,
buckles and clasp ends for security, damage and
proper operation. If the harness or tail strap is
missing, frayed, damaged, or doesn’t fasten, adjust,
retract or operate as designed, your tactical vehicle
with the GRS is
Not using a working GRS could result in severe
injury or death in a rollover accident.
Tactical Vehicles…
GRS Guidance
operators must perform the following
before operations
grs pmcs…
the grs is part of an
occupant protection system
that includes a harness, tail
strap, a rigidly mounted
retractor, and possibly a
turret seat assembly.
it’s a personal safety
restraint device, just
like seat belts, seat belt
restraint systems, safety
straps, and any other safety
device used to secure or
provide a safety mechanism
for soldiers operating or
riding in a vehicle.
in 2009, there
was breaking
news about
gunner restraint
systems (grs).
that news came in January
in the form of tacom soum
09-013 and in july through an
army-wide gunner restraint
systems policy message.
both messages
provided guidance
for the use of grs
in the referenced
tactical vehicles.
have you already
read tacom soum
09-013 or that
policy message?
if you haven’t and
you’ve got vehicles
with turrets for
gunners in your unit,
keep reading.
those messages said the procedures for
properly using the grs will eventually be
standardized and added to the preventive
maintenance checks and services (pmcs) and
other related sections in technical publications.
they also described
what grs conditions
render a vehicle non-
mission capable (nmc).
here’s some
info for
10:36:48 AM
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