TM 9-2815-220-24
SIGNAL WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (2DA) (PN 12254376, 12354385) 0058 00
REMOVAL (Continued)
7. Remove harness ground connections at generator.
a. Remove self-locking nut (28) with flat washer (29), securing upper end of
ground lead (30).
Reinstall nut and flat washer for safe keeping.
b. Remove screw (31) with flat washer (32) and finish removing ground lead (30).
28, 29
31, 32
8. Disconnect electrical connector (33) to generator blower (34).
9. Remove screw (35) with lock washer (36) to remove generator blower ground lead (37).
Discard lock washer.
35, 36, 37
WP 0058 00-4