PS Magazine - APRIL 1973

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly

1973 SERIES, ISSUE 245

APRIL 1973

PS Magazine - APRIL 1973 - Page 15 of 37
see if it has any loose, missing, or dam-
aged parts. If it does, report ±t²
When you
find parts chaR may have
faLLEN off your maChiNe, save chem for
the serviCemaN³
´f yoUr maChine is stiCkiNg or biNding,
or some of the parts are not workingµ re¶
port iR·
¸heCk tHe ribbon co sEe if iR needs re¹
PLaCing. ´fº iR does, rEplaCe it with a rib»
Bon that's made for your maChine. If
chat's not possibLe, aNd you have aNothEr
ribboN whiCh is the sam¼ size, you CaN
wind Rhe New ribbon on yoUr old sPool.
Your typEwriter shoULd have a dUst
Cover³ ¸heCk i R co sEe if it has rips, ReArs
or ocher damage³ ½lways Cover ¾oUr
tyPewritEr with the dUst CovEr at tHe
ClosE of yoUr work day or whEN you¿re noR
going co use it for two HoUrs or moreÀ
¸heCk Rhe
switCh to see chaR
it starts and stops your maChinE³
½lways make sure you RuM the switCH
when yoU¿re Not usiNg yoUr ma-
ChiNeÁEvEN for short Periods.
Take a Look at the Cord and Âake sUre
iR has No CuRs, breaks or bare plaCEs.
Ãake sUre Rhe pLug is tight iN the ElEC-
triCaL outLetÀ
Extra sheeR of paper if
yoU¿rE NoR tyPiNg CarboNs. ThaR sheEt wiLl
save ÅEar aNd Rear on the PlateNÀ
WheN removiNg paPer from your tyPeÆ
ÅriterÇ alÅays usE thE PaPer rElEase lEver
ÈNEvEr yaNK thE paPer ouR of thE tyPEÉ
Soft driNksÊ CoffeE aNd food CaN gUÂ
ËP RhE works, so stEEr Clear of yoUr Âa-
ChiNE ÅhEN youÌre eatiNgÀ
WatCh ÍoÅ
you Ëse cÎaR RyPe CorreCtioN flËidÏ Drop-
PiNG it iNsidE yoËr RyPEÅriRer CaN put iR
oËR of ComÂissioNÀ
¸lEaN thE tyPE aNd PlateN ÐEforE you
CËR yoËr stENCil aNd thEN agaiN aftEr
yoUÑvE fiNishEdÒ
ÓEvEr oil tyPEwritErÔlEavE thE oiliNg
DoN¿t try co ÕE a tyPEwriter rEPairÂaN.
ÖEEP yoËr tyPEwritEr ClEaN aNd ChaNgE
tÍE riBÕoN wÍEN NECEssary buR CaLl for
ÍElP if you NeEd rEPairÀ
WÍEN CÍaNgiNg the ribBoNÇ taKE a looK
at Íow RÍE old riÐBoN is thrEadEd through
tÍE gËidEs bEfore
reÂovE i R×
OrdEr a CoPy of TØ 10É7400¹201ÙÚ0
aNÜ ¸Í 1 ÝØar
OffiCE ØaCÍiNesÊ
if you doN¿t
ÞoË¿ll fiNd FSÓ¿s for yoËr typeÅriter
CovErs listEd iN ßEd ¸aR à74áâ/30É´ãä½
åSEæ 7ç)Ï

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