PS Magazine - MAY 1974

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MAY 1974

PS Magazine - MAY 1974 - Page 10 of 37
Some generator drive upper bearings are failing because they doN't get eNough
lube. They don't get the lube because the auxiLIary drive oil level iNdicator (dipstiCk)
furnished oN ear±y mode±² of these veh³Cles shows
FU´´ marK with 3 1/2 quarts
instead of with 4 1/2 quarts as it should. So here's what to do µ.
the part number is 109062¶53-1 everything's O·µ ¸t's the later mode± and you CaN
trust it to give you the right reading.
¸f the part number is 10906253, seE
MWO 9¹2300¹216¹20/5 (Aºg 65) has bee»
appl³ed, with the old arrows stamped out and the new arrows ²tamped in. ¸¼ it has½ you
have no worries.
¾f it hasn't, get your meChaniC to do it for Youµ
you can't read the part numBer or yo¿ arenÀt s¿re for any other reason, measure
Áro the end of the screen to the FUÃà marÄÅ ¸t should be 27 1/2 iNChesÆ HaVe the
FU´´ marÄ changed ³f ³t's at any other d³Çtance.
Èou checK the aux³l³ary drive cold, before yo¿ start the engine. ¸f you need to add
or drain oiÉÊ you do ³t Ëefore you start the eng³neÌ
When the eng³Ne has been operat³ngÊ wa³t Í to Î Ïinutes before you maKe the CheCKÐ
Getting hot uNder the Collar tryiNg to Ñgure out wh³ch set of ÒatChed cooli»g Óan
ÔÕbelts you Need Óor your MÖ07× MÖÖØ or MÎ78?
Ùyeball the DA Form Ú408¹5 in your log booKµ
¾f your MÖ07 or MÖÖÛ has had MÜÝ Þ-2300-2ß6à40/5 applied, the Ôábelt set yoâ
need ³s FSã 3030¹ß33ä5761 (Påã 110628æ5).
¸f the MWO has not beeN applied½ use belt set Fçã 3030-780¹7èÖ(Péã 570ê2ë2).
¸f your MÎ78 has had MWO 9¹2350¹2ì8¹æ0/Ö appl³ed½ use belt set FSã 3030¹133¹
¸f this MWO has not been applied½ use ²et Fçã 3030¹780¹7001í

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