PS Magazine - MARCH 1977

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MARCH 1977

PS Magazine - MARCH 1977 - Page 33 of 35
Keeping up with the daily goings-
on of a toolroom and tools may Iot be
so easy, but a few tips will make yoUr
going smoother.
No matter if you are a toolroom
manaGer or a mechanic, you can use
better ways to identify, control and
account for tools. Try these±
Tell every
person of his/her
responsibility for the hand tools
before signing them out²
Check a tool set or kit for com³
pleteness before issuing it and after
it's ret´rnedµ
Make sUre each tool, tool kit and
tool set is well marked for both
permanent and qUick ¶D.
Have a method to know where yoUr
·ool sets and ¸its are locate¹º
your tools secUre² ¶f you're not Using
'em, lock 'em Up²
ToOl boards and canvas or paper
layouts are handy to chec» tool kits for
completeness. The layout has an
a Handy ²³³l ´ay³u² .
maKes ²³³l CHeCK
fas² and simPle !
outline of each tool in the kit² ¼se a
felt½tipped pen to outline the tools.
Canvas an¹ plastic layoUts have a
big advan¾age: they're portable² You
can take 'em along and see if the kit's
You are responsible for all tools you complete at the end of the day or when
sign for. That's the word in Para L¿4i you turn 'em in.
Well marked tools are less prone to
¶t's a good idea to have a way to "ÀanderÁ or Get mixed in the wroQg
check tools fast. Shelling out yoUr own tool kit² Mark each tool to match its
green for lost tools is no good² Keep tool box²

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