PS Magazine - APRIL 1980

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


APRIL 1980

PS Magazine - APRIL 1980 - Page 3 of 35
D'ja hear the one about the troop
who took his M16Al rifLe into the
shower with him because he wanted to
r-e-a-±-±-y get it c²ean?
Or, about troops who are so
coNscieNtioUs in
gettiNg their rif³es
and machine guns c³ean that they
disassemb³e everything .
.. and theN
³ose parts, can't get 'em together, or
get 'em together wrong?
guns are specific on how to c²ean
backp³ates´ Yet, troops dip theµ in
c³eaning so²venT or saturate theµ with
it .
.¶ and it's bye-bye backp²ate. ·he
caution on not using c²eaning so²vent
Backplate and soLvent
DON'T mix!!
oN backp³ates is in BIG, B¸¹D ·YPE
in the ·M's (examp²e, ·ab³e 3º2 of the
-10 ·M on the M2 machine gun. P. 18
of the -10 on the M85 says the same.)
·he message is obvioUs.
ANother c³eaNing hazard is the
over-sized rag .
.. which jams iN the
barre²s, chamber or receiver. Even the
new M240 machiNe gun has beeN
victim to that. Which makes you
wonder wHere t»e troop's head is
who's forCing the rag i¼ .
.. or why he
cou²dN't cut it to size if he had no issue
patches oN hand. At ²east, it ½akes the
armorers and support peop²e wonder
when they've got to get the rag out¶
·he µora² is obvioUs: Do it ³ike the
·M says! Do it right aNd on³y do what
you' re a³³owe¾ to do. If y¿u' re tempted
to try soµething off-beat, don't. If
you've got aNy doubts, at ²east ta²k it
over with yoUr ³oca² pro (armorer,
support) before you try.

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