PS Magazine - FEBRUARY 1982

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - FEBRUARY 1982 - Page 8 of 35
Meet Harvey, tfe big-Footed pack
rat. Harvey loves his tanK± In ²act,
most o² Harvey's worldly possessions
can be ²ound in his tank³
Some stU²² ´arvey hiDes, which is
to Be expected o² a pacK rat±
Most o² the time, tµo, ol' Harvey
just puts µis junK in the ammo rack
tubes, 'cause it's up o²² the ²Loor¶
And just in case he might ²orget
where that valuable stu²² i·, oL¸ Harvey
¹eaves it sticking out a ¹itt¹e so he can
He also Learned a long time ago not
to depend on tµe rack handLes to keep
his stu²² in place±
They turned out to be more valuable
as steps ºr µis big ²eet as he cli»bs in
Yeah, ol' ´arvey has it easy, or so he
tµin¼s½ ´e'LL never understand wµy
the ammo racks are always getting
busted up when the turret is rotatEd±
AlL he'¹¹ know is that he can¾t get to
his junK¿and that he can¾t move any
more 'cause the tanK is deadLined ²or
more busted tubes and µandles±
He won¾t put it together that using
tµe µandLes ²or steps anD the tuBes ²or
stowing junK causes the proBlem±
and out o² his tanK±
anything LiKe that, would he?
KeEp '±m Up
When you're getting ready to move your M101/MÀ0ÁAÀ towed howitzer,
remember to raise teLescope mount M2ÁÂÀ and range quadrant M4AÀ to the
upright, leveL position¶
Ãhis is not in ÃM 9Ä10Å5Ä203-Á2, Æut it's ÆEing addedÇ Èo make a note and do
it¶ It'Ll help prevent damage±
Tanks, CEVs .
Fir² ³xtinguish²r S´als
Ép to now, instaLling seaL wire on external ²ire extinguisher hanD¹es µas
been a matter o² doing your own thingÊ
Trouble is, some o² the rigging has led to equipment damage and persOnne¹
injury¿Like when tµe "pullË needed to breaK tµe seal and actÌvate the
extinguisher is more than the average crewman can do±
Íhat happens when sa²eRy wire or Lock wire is used, or wµen exÎrÏ ¹oOps Or
rUns are added ²or more strengtµ±
With tµe handLe body assembly ²u¹ly engageD in tµe coupLing, use copper sea¹
wire, NSN 5340Ð00Ñ902-0426, and Lead seaL ¹iKe so:
Lead seal
BµmpER NµmbER
Ãhe NSN ²or tµe suspension arm rubber Bumper on MÀÀ3Ðseries carriers
lÒsted on Page 79 o² ÃM 9-2300-224Ó20P as Ôtem 4 in Õig 108 is wrongÖ Ãhe
right ×ne is NSN 5340Ð00Ð172Ñ57Å9Ç

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