PS Magazine - MARCH 1982

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MARCH 1982

PS Magazine - MARCH 1982 - Page 31 of 35
A good smo escreen can eep t e
enemy from zeroing in on you. So, use
PM knowhow to keep your M3A3
smoke generator belching smoke
instead of sitting in the non-smoking
section of some DS repair shop.
F'rinstance, when you±re starting
THe M3A3, never manHandle RHe
magneto air pump handle. Jamming
tHe rack in all the way or yanking it
back until it clicks can damage tHe rack
and tHe magneto air pUmp clamp.
When you grab the Handle to pump,
remembEr to stop sHort both coming
and gOing. ²se short quick strokes
(about 8 incHes long). ³Hat saVes tHe
handle and starts tHe engine better.
After each 8´hour period of operaµ
. ³´´µ
.±²³´µ¶ ·
º»¼ ½¾¿
tion, burn the carbon from tHe enGine
When you sm¶ke generator oper-
tube by starting the engine an¸ letting
a to¹s insºect the magneto or you
tHe smoke generator run without fog
orgaNizational types service it, put the
oil up to 2 mi»utes.
¼ever let ½mokey go witho¾ut ¿og oil
for longer than 2 minuteÀ, tho. Fog oil
cools an¸ lubes the engine. If you rÁÂ
tHe M3A3 longeà than 2 minutes
without fog oil, it±s like running yÄur
car without any oil. It±ll burn up tHe
engine quick!
cover back on easy. Åetting strong
witH the cover or pressing the cover
flat on the magÆeto can crack tHe tan
the fog oil pump cHeck valve is stuck
with carbÇn ¸eposits.
Èrganizational maintenance gets
the rocker aÃms going an¸ the M3A3
Ãolling again by cleaning tHe ¸isk on a
lapping boar¸.
You mechanics should check tHe
fog oil pÉmp valve ¸isk at least once a
month to make sure that tHe ¸isk
moves freely .
.. Êore often when tËe
M3A3±s working overtime blowing
magneto cable outlet. ³hat makes
D½ replacement job.
³M 3Ì1040-202-12 is tHe book for
a your smoke generator; Keep one

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