PS Magazine - AUGUST 1982

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - AUGUST 1982 - Page 14 of 35
Gama goat.±.
Easy? Nol-NeedeD? Yes!
If a lube point is hard to Reach or ±s
h±ddEn, it stands a good chance of
Be±ng missed-t±me after t±me afteR
time. It may neveR get lUBe!
That's what²s Happening to a lot of
Gama Goat bRake/cLutch pedaL shafts³
´oth c UtcH and braKe opeRation suffeµ
Word ±n ¶O 9·2320¸242·12¹ Page 2º
"»¼A½¾ P¾DA¶ GAA 6¿¹ and Page
4¹ Note 1¹ 6,000·m±le lUbe¹ "bRake and
clutch Linkage ÀÁÂ O¾/ÃDOÄÂ
wHen tHe sHaft bindsÅ Then, if you try _ÆÇ
tÈ foRce tHe pedaLsÉyoUÊLL tear up the
goes fÎom bad to WorseÀ Getting up in
theRe to repLace paRÏs ±s a bear!
It²s a LittLe eas±er and a lot simpler to
Keep the shaft lUBed in tHe fiRst placeÁ
YouR Gama Goat semi¸annual Lube job
is not complete untiL yoU go by the
When you need a Gama Goat ±nstruÑ
ment pÒnel carRier stop s±gnal lightÁ
Th±s Óets you the light assembLy
WiresÀ The l±ght assembLy
With W±res¹ NSN 6210·00¸295·1909¹ ±s
not availableÀ
The WoRd on instaLling the Light ±s
in ÔÕRa 7¸9 of TM 9·2320¸242¸20¸3·1Á
UpDate Goat LO
YoU may not be dra±ning your Gama Goat²s air reseRvoir tank often enoughÖ
And you may Be seRvicing the engine a±r cleaner moRe often tHan yoU need ÏÈ×
¶O 9¸2320·242¸12 says the ØaiR reseRvoir tank¹ seaLed Brake systemÙ needs
draining only at 6·month or 6¹000¸miLe intervals ThatÚs noÏ enÈÛgH! THe tanK
shouLd Be dRained eveRy 30 days³ MaKe a note ±n your ¶OÜ
You may be able to reach THe drain cock
thrU the round hULl pLu² hoLe³ If not, you've
²ot ´o take off the square access panM.
Do yoUrseLf a favoR. If yoU²re a Gama Goat opeRatoR¹ or ±f yoU do ma±nÝ
tenance on the Goat¹ make sUre yoU have a copy of tHe handyÞdandy DA Pam
750·31¹ The M561/M792 Gama Goat¹ Operation and Ôreventive MainÑ
ßt²s got a lot of t±ps that²lL make l±fe easier for yoUºand BetteR foR your Goat.
YoU can telL the cUrrent DA Pam 750·31º±t²s got no date on ±t It supeRseded
DA Pam 750·31 (Nov 70)Â YoUr pUbs clerk can order as many copies as your
Un±t needsà

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