PS Magazine - DECEMBER 1982

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - DECEMBER 1982 - Page 5 of 35
±²De³ I´ µLY ¶n·
¸F tH¹ º»a¼½¾¿
mÃy ÄÅÆ bÇ fiXÈÉ
Support may be backed up and
can t get to your gEar now
The probleM may
ot Be
important enough to take ±Ime
away from your mIss²on ³o the CO
the CO'´ rep decIdes t
WaIt unt²l
e nExt scheduled servIce or tr²p
to supporµ¶
Your unIt may be In ±he FIeld
the facILItIes ¸¹u need ±o WorK
on it are ºack In the Mot¹r p¹o»¼
When the CO or the CO's representative decides to delay a fault uNtil the
next scheduled service, trip to support, etc, they'll note that on youR operational
(PMCS) DA Form 2404 in Column d a±d sign in Block 9a.
The DA Form 2404 goes to the ²AMMS cleRk so the entry can be moved to
tHe DEF MAI³T 2404.
That type deferred fault goes on ´µ¶DEF MAI³T 2404 just like a part on
for the info in Column d.
If the reason for waiting is a shop backup,
the work request number goes in Column d.
When the fault is finallY fix·ed, the peRson wh¸ fixes it initials the status
symbol in Column
of the DEF MAI³² 2404 and puts the ¹alendar ºate in
Column d.
²³ ´µ¶·¸
»hen all the faults on a DEF MAI³² 2404 Have been fixed or moveº to
other forms, toss out the old forms¼
²hat D½F MAI³T 2404 folds up in a pocket of your Equipment ¾ecords
FQlders and goes out on dispatch.
Bef¿re eacH PMCS, you operators check out the entries.
As long as a fault is on that form, you're covered. ³o need for duplicÀte
entries. If you get stopped by a roadside check, no sweat .
'Course, with that f¿rm in yoUR folder, you operators have the action on
keeping up with deferred faults, too.
Sure; the TAMMS clerk or the maintenance supervisor may have a copy of
your DEÂ MAI³T 2404-that's up to them-but you have an equal stake in
keeping the form upÃtoÄdate. AfteR all, itÅs
form anº
If you think a part's been on oÆder too long, you take tHe form to tHe PLL
clerk and ask about it.
When you hÇlp pull a service,
make sure the faults deferred to
tHat service are fixed.
If the reason for delay has passed and an entry is still on the DEF MAȳT
form, check it out.
The DEF MAȳT É404 makes the operator an eÊual partner in keeping gear
up and all faults cleareº.

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