PS Magazine - SEPTEMBER 1983

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - SEPTEMBER 1983 - Page 15 of 35
Air and Air I Hydraulic Brakes .±²
Your vehicle is "not mission capable± if its brake air pressure warning
buzzer doesn't worK.
That's the word in TACOM Message DRSTA-MTC 101900Z Feb 83.
MaKe a note ²or your PMCS table.
The warning buzzer will alert the operator if a sudden air loss occUrs or
continued breaK appLication has depLeted the ³ir suppLy below safe limits.
During operations the operator should observe air gages frequently to
insure air ´ressure remains within safe limits.
Tires ³´´
Mounting and Demounting Tip
Oil or grease may maKe moµnting
tires easier.
Problem is, petroleum products
cause rubber to rot. Para 2-16 of TM
9-2610¶·00¶20 says don't use either
Instead, use rubber lUbricant. It
worKs as good as oiL or grease and
won't damage your tire. It's Listed in
Table 3-4 of the ¸M:
NSN 2640-00-256-
1 quart
² gallon
± gallon
It may¹ be availabLe at your SeLfº
Service Supply Center (SSSC).
±hose Blinkety-Blinke²y Lights!
If your blacKoUt¶equipped M880 trucK is plagued with Lights that ²lic»er
off and on¼ chances are you have a bum switch!
If the Light switch sup½lied with the lighting »it¾ NSN 2540¶01¿062À0838¾ is
bad, replace it. You can exchange it by sending in the wÁrranty card that
came with the Kit.
Good switches have the number DC2750¶l staÂped on the duLl bLac»
switch body.
µ L
¶H· W¸ ¹Ch
m¸ ¹ºL P»¼ b½¾KS ?
±hE ShAft
Hits ²hE Pan
SoÂe Ã809Äseries 5¶ton trµc»ers
are caUsing daÂÁge to their engine
oiL ´Ån when operÁting the ²ront
_ÆÇÈ winch.
OVerreving the engine can cause
he ²ront winch drive shÁ²t to ²LeXÉ
or even brea»Êand the shÁ²t hits
the oiL pan. One oil pan gone!
Never rev yoµr engine higher than
1Ë200 RÌM's. Ìage 4-89 of ÍÃ 9¶
2Î20¶260¶10¶1 has the word.
MbbO ±ie Rods
Tie rods on M880-series 1 \¶ton truc»s are organizationaL LeveL
responsibility¾ as shown in the TM 9¶2320Ï266¶20 Maintenance ALLocation
Chart. Repair ´arts now in ÐM 9Ñ2320¶·66¶34P wiLl be showing Up in the

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