PS Magazine - APRIL 1985

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


APRIL 1985

PS Magazine - APRIL 1985 - Page 11 of 35
M113FOV .
Brake LinIngs $AVE ±$±
When your Ml 13-series vehicLe needs new pivot steer brakes, save your unit
big bucKs
by repLacing on±y the braKe Linings, not the compLete braKe assemb²y³
The BraKe assemb²y costs $168, wHi²e ²Inings cost oNLy $3´16³ THat's a savINg
of more thaN $160! Procedures Fr rep²Acing braKe LininGs Are aLready In
your µ20 TM's, aNd the parts wiL² be added to the ¶20P's´ ·n tHe meantime,
order new braKe LININgs wIth ¸S¸ 2520¶00¹096¶9649´
APR 85
yoU mechanIcs how to
measure the pressure
needed to reLease tHe Lever
±ock when you checK the
dIºerentiaL braKe adjust»
You Need the dIaL indi¼
catIng spring sca²e, ¸S¸
6670µ00µ254µ4634, in the
¸o´ 1 CommoN shop set´
½ere's how you use It:
¾ttacH tHe sprIng
scaLe to tHe steeriNg ¿eÀers
at about the middLe of the
Hand grips, one at a time´
ÁrIng the sca²e puLL
rIng straight bacK aNd
measure the Frce needed
to re±ease the buttoN³ The
correct puLL is 20 to 30
APR 85

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