PS Magazine - OCTOBER 1985

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - OCTOBER 1985 - Page 5 of 35
Heat-not cold±is the big threat
when you crank up yOur engine in the
wintertime. Wit² just one fnger asleep
on the switch, you can Fry your starter
motOr to death!
Never keep your starter turning
over ³r more than
secOnds at a
time-it gets hot. Let it cool o´ ³r a µw Minutes in Between tries to start your
IF you can't get your engine started in t²ree tries, quit-and get a mechanic
to fnd out what's wronG.
Too many peoPle don't
even know what their starter is±and that's the start
oF so many starter Burn·outs in every cold seasOn.
Your staRter is an elEctric motor-Operated By yOUr batteries. ¸ut this motor
is a lot di´erent ¹om the Motor that runs yoUr electric shaver, ºn Or shOp
OCT 85
Your starter motor is designed to operate only ³r a short time each tiMe yOu
»it the Button Or turn the switch. It puts out a lOt O¼ horsepower ³r such a s½all·
size motor. It's a workhOrse in pony s¾
¹ .º
This little electric motor ²as tO turn
over a Big engine until the engine's
ignition syste½ and Àel system take
ahold and the engine Runs on its own.
IF everyt²ing's in top shape, the engine
will start within a µw seconds.
¸ut your starter needs all oF the help
you can give itÁespecially in cold
weather. AÂer all, your Batteries put out
less and less power as the temperature
drops-so your starter's trying to do its
This small motor does
joB with less help ¹Om the Batteries.
joB-If you gIve It a cHance
And coldÃthickened engine oil makes theÄÅ
»»»¼ ½¾¿ »À
enginÆ harder to turn over-so the staRteR works harder and gets hottÇr quicker.
TO add to its woes, toss in a ºulty engine ignitioÈ system or Àel system. And
maybe an impatient operator who doesn't use his engine's cold·staRt syste½±or
one whO doesn't dig intO his operator's TÉ to get the Àll story On "w²enÊ
and "how.Ê
Éany operatOrs OverÃprime. This leads to hydrostatic lOck and crankcase oil
dilUtiOn. ¸e³re turning the engine over-prime
slOw strokes-no more.
Then tuË over the engine and prÌÍe sparingly untÌl the engine'll run on the choke
and throttle settings alone.
OCt 85

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