PS Magazine - APRIL 1986

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


APRIL 1986

PS Magazine - APRIL 1986 - Page 12 of 35
Engine CooliNg
Systems .
Heat-your liquid±cooled engine
Needs it to run at its best. But toO
mUch heat caN lead to a ruined
Engines produce heat as they run²
It's the cooliNg system'sjob to get rid
Of extra heaT³
High summer temperatUres put
more stress On poorly maintained
systems. Small problems, Like Low
cOoLant leveL or cracked hOses, soOn
turn intO big probLems, Like over´
heated engines.
µo keep your cooling system on
the job, start by checking the coolant
Level³ ¶f it's Low, add enough coolant
to bring the leVel back to the mark·
or about One inch below the fiLler
Neck. ¸eVer oVerfiLl, tho. When the
engine heats up, the extra will oVer´
flow as the heated water expands¹
Add coolant only wheN the engine
is cooL¹ CoOLaNt added tO a hot
engine can crack the blOck or bUrst a
seam in the radiator.
U²³ Th³ rIGhT
a´TIfR³³z³ MIx
p³R µB 750-651
APR 86
ºse a mix of antifreeze and water,
eVen dUring the sUmmer. µhe mix
raises the boiling point of the cool´
aNt, so it won't boil away Like plain
water does» ¶t aLso proVides cOrro¼
siOn prOtectiOn yOUr engine needs
year½round¾ You'll find the gUide for
mixing aNtifreeze soLUtions iN µB
¿Ook for wetnesÀ arouNd the en¼
gine, radiaTor and hOses. A rust
streak may be a clUe to a leak that
Only shows Up when the cooling sys¼
tem is hOT and UNder pressure.
CLean the radiator Of leaVes, trash
and bUgs³ If air canÁt get thrOugh a
cLogged radiator, it can't carry away
ÂyebalL and feel radiaTor hoses.
Get mushyà cracked or leaky hoses
cRa¶k³d OR
buLGI´G hO²³²?
replaced right awayÄhead oFf fÅil¼
Ære when yOU're miles from nOwhere.
Check fan belts, too³ Çave your
mechanic repLace any that are cracked
Or damaged, and tighten any loose
During operation, keep an eye on
the temperatUre gaUge. Èf it goes
above the normal operating range,
shut down and check for problems.
DoÉ'T wait for a pLume of steam from
uNder The hOodÊ
You may need to clean the radiaË
tOr at stops, toO» EVen though yoU
cLeaned it before you started, it
dOesn'T take lONg for brush and leaVes
To buiLd up if yOu run crossÌcouNtry.

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