PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-426

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MAY 1988

PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-426 - Page 31 of 33
Smoke GeneratOR. ±.
Light up on THese tips to keep your
M3A4 Smoking away.
Eyebal± THe fUe± Fi±Ter bow± to ²ake
s³re iTs bai±'s not crowded against ´e
engine µ¶sing. Pressed against the
housing, ´e Bow± wil± press ·arder on
one side oF ´e gasket Than on Tµe ot·er.
¸his causes ±eaks.
you c¹n see day-
±ight beTween Tµe bai± and engine h(ºs»
ing, the bai±'s OK. Your mec·anic can
adjust ´e ¼±ter bow± iF´e Bai± r½bs on
¾he engine.
¸he two ¿e± ·ose c±amps cut iNto ´e
¿e± µose aNd cause ±eaks. Get your
mechanic to take ´e c±amps oÀ and
´row ´em away. Áhey' re not needed.
Easy does it w·en you're ÂRing The
¿e± ±ine s·utoÀ va±ve or drain cock or
TighTening aÄy oF The ¿e± line connec»
Tions under ´e Åe± taÆk. PiÇe tees, FÈr
instance, are µe±d onto The Åe± taÆk
on±y by so±der.
One good jar and
you've got a ±eak.
¸he ÉUbÊer preFoÉmed packIng on ¾he
¹Ir p³mp is d¹mage
d by The comËresÌ
sIÍn he±Ical spriÎg, caÏsing air Ðleaks.
Ñepl¹ce The packing wiÒh a ÓaT washer,
ÔÕÖ ×5310ØÙ0Ø058Ø3632.
Öo more
¸he engine hose ÚÛTem 15, Üig 6, ¸M
3Ý10Þ0Ø276Ø23P) pops oß The copper
ÒàÊe. Cure ¾haT Êy replacing iT wiÒh a
·Íse, ÖÕÖ Þ720á00á288Ø9195, and
âl¹mp, ÖÕÖ Þ730Ø00Ø908Ø3195ã
Òhey're parT oF The äld M3A3.
M¹ke sure The piÇe nipp±e ÚåTem æ8,
ÜIg Þ, ¸M 3á10Þ0Ø276á23P) is sTee±, noT
Br¹ss. ÕoFT nipp±es disToÉt çom ¾he
M3AÞ's heaT and cause loss oF engine
press³re and poor èg oi± pump peré
FÍÉmance. êrass is a go±den co±orë DÕ
reÇl¹ces The nipp±e wiTh a sTee± one.
Nuclear SOil TesteR ²³²
ÛF you hae To send your Paciíc
Öuc±ear MCØ1 deÎsity ¹nd moIsTure
soIl TesTer èr repair, send everyThingð
¸hat inc±udes T·e êñ and ¸M òØ6635ó
Put The tesTer's BatTery in The carrying
case. åô you doN'T, and it ±eaks, ´e acid
eaTs iÆto ¾·e unit's case and causes a
radiatioÆ ±eak. õock t·e ·and±es Beöre
you s·i÷ T·e unit. øat stops Foùks çom
openiÆg T·e uNit aNd Beúng eXÇosed to radiaTioÆ. Áag ´e key wi´ t·e unit's seria±
numBer and send ´e key separate±y By regisTered mai± To THe repair ûci±ity. õet
´eü ýow yoþ're seÆdúng ´e unit and Teù± ´em ´at you sent Òµe key separaTe±y.

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