PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-434

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-434 - Page 13 of 33
M939-Series .±²
urge tank sTraps on 5-ton TrucKs are
flexing and brea±ing under sTress. ²he
Tank is mounted on tHe Fame of The Truck, but the support strap is conNeCTed
To THe engine³ Engine vibraTion sooN cracks tHe strap, Leaving the surge tanK
witHout supporT´
Prevent tHe strap Fom cracking aNd breaking by repLacing the nut on the engiNe
strap mountiµg boLt wit¶ a speciaL seLf·Locking NuT, ¸S¸ 5310¹00-984-3806´
ScReW on tHe µut untiL 1 oR 2 tº»eaDs
Caµ Be seen BeLow tºe loC¼Ing end of
tHe µut.
½he sCRew sHoULd Be Loose
enougº ¾r yoU to tuM it wItH your
²hIs way tºe stRap is Áoose
eµougº to absorB tHe viBRatIons, But
tHe seLfÂlocking µut keeps tºe BoLt Ãom
ÄaLLIµg out.
Åf tHe stRap is already broken, yoU
Caµ Æix it instead of repLaCing tHe tank.
JAN 8³
Get some ruBBeR mateRIaÁ, Like aµ
oÁD mUD Çap, or spÁasH sºIeÁD, ¸S¸
anD epoxy
sIVe, ¸S¸ 80È0·00·É09·2È81.
ËÌmoVe tºe BRokeµ strap witºoUt
BRÌakÍng tºe spot weLD oµ tHe taµ¼ .
Îse It as a patteÏ to measURÌ anD
dRIÁÁ tºe RUBBeR materiaL´ AdD 2 еCºes
to tºe LÌNgtH Be¾re CUttIng oUt tºÌ ruBÑ
beR stRap .
ÒRiLL a Ó/ÔÕIµ HoLe iµ tºe rUBBeR
stRIp tHat matCHes tHe ºoLe In tºÌ oLd
stRap .
GÁue tºe UµDRiLLeD eµD of tºÌ RUbÖ
beR stRap×oVeRÁap It 2 InCHes×to tHe
Remaiµing surge taµ¼ stRap wIth Ìpoxy
aDºesiVÌ. Øet tHe aDHÌsive CUre.
ÙoLt tºe sUppo»t stÚap to tºe RUBBeR
strap anD you'Re DoNe.
²He RuBBeR strap absoRBs tHe vIBraÑ
tIoNs aµd doesµ't CraCk undeR stRess.
THanKµ, DOC¶

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