PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-451

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


JUNE 1990

PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-451 - Page 11 of 54
Dar Editor,
There are two sets of /lghts in the FAAR shelter: one red±
one white. Many FAAR operato² do not realize the lights
are wir³ In Series. Hone white light gOs out, the other
white one
go o´. µo when the lLghts go out, they think
whole lighting system's down¶
µave a call to your repairman· H the white llghts go out
Ins¸nce¹ unscrew a red bulb and tº subStituting »t for
of the two white bulbs¶ H It's just a bad bulb, the lights
will come back on and you¼ll
back In buSineSs·
µGT Mike Pepper
Ft µtewa½¾ GA
¿ear EditorÀ
the screws are loose on the FAAR radar receiver's modules¾
components Slide back and fo½h and cause connÁtionS to bÂak
contact. That cauSes faulty readingS¶ TroubleShooting won¼t spot
loose Screws¶
µave yourSelf some aggravation¾ mÁhanics¶ Before you begin
troubleShootÃng, tighten the rÁeiver¼s screws, particularly thoSe
on the µelf-ÄeSt Panel¶
µGT Chris µmay
Ft µtewa½¾ GA

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