PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-498

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MAY 1994

PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-498 - Page 5 of 52
you make when insTalLing
the gunner's pRimary sight (GPS) body
InTo the Tu±±et will come back to haunt
you when wate± leaks inside.
Moisture gets in²o The GPS where it
causes coRRosion, e³ecT±ical shorts´ and
evenTually a GPS ThaT will not workµ
CarefUl wo±k keeps waTer out¶ ·wo
m¸sTakes to avoid a±e sloppy cleanup
befo±e instal¹ing the GPS and use of ºhe
w±ong sealanT»
Clean The tuRreT access lip comp¼eºely
beFo±e you insTal³ The GPS½ ¾t ²akes two
mechanics´ Two putty knives´ P-D¿680
drycleaning soLvenTÀ lots of clean ±agsÀ
and plenty of elbow greaseÁ
PS 498
Once The cleaning jobÂs done righT´
iNstall the GPSà AfteR i²Âs in place and
ºighºened down´ rUn a bead of sealing
here ±reveNts lak²
compound from sea³ing compound kiTÀ
ÉSÉ 803ÊËÌ-275Í81ÎÊÏ a±ound the lip
of the sighT body and the tur±et. Éeve±
use any oThe± seaÐeR.
Ñake no shorTcuTs and The±e'll be no
MAY 94

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