


  DMWR-9-2815-220 - Page 30 of 1422

DMWR 9·2815220
Fuel filters±
The repLaceabl elemNt
type prIMary fUel filter Is
MOUNted ON the rigHt frOnt Of the engiNe and Is eqUipped with a cOnstaNt bleed
orifice aNd draiN line wHich coNstantly reMOves a mtered a²OUnt of fuel and
, retURs it to tHe MaIn fUel taNk thrOugH tHe fUel iNjector NOzZle drain liNes³
´µIs cOntiNuous draiN¶ frOM tHe bott· Of tHe fi¸ter¹ reMoves water IN tHe free
state tHat Has beeN filtered froº the fUel by tHe pri²ary fueL filter eLemNt±
The replaceable elemNt fUel/water separatOr type fiLter Is
On the Left
front of the engiNe³
½UeL frOM the vehIcLe fuel tank passes tHrOUgh the pri²ary
filter BefOre enteriNg tHe engiNe fu¾L p¿ÀÁpÂ
ÃHe pUMp delivers fueL to tHe fUel/
water separator filter and oN to the fuel iÄjectiON pu²p±
Åxcess fUeL prOvides
coOliNg as it flÆs thrOUgH the fueÇ iNjectioN puMp hydraulic heads aÈd is
retUÉed to tHe fue Ê taNks figUres 1Ë8 and 1Ì9 ( 1/14.J) and (1/1Í ) Î
´he fue Ê
water separator filter uNit has tHree replaceable eleMents aNd coNtaiNs a cHa²Ï
Ðer for colLectINg water±
THe two oUter eLe²eNts are cOaLescer eLemNts aNd
wIlL re²Ove e²UlsIfied water tHaÑ Has passed thrOUgh the priMary filÑerÒ
center elemNt Is a fuel fILter eLe²entÒ
ÓHe water re²Oved frOM the fuel is
autOMaticalLy drained frOM the filter HOusiÄg.
´wO water seNsINg prOÐes are
lOcated in the fiÔter housIng.
WHeN tHe water level reaches the Upper prObe¶
an electrical circuit is cOMpleted¶ a sOleNOid valve opens aNd allÕs tHe water
tO draiN±
Ãhe valve cLOses wHen tHe water level rÖacHes tHe Lower prOÐe³
drain cocK Is instalLed sO the fUel/water separator May Ðe drained ²anuallyÒ
´He »nIt prOvides MoIstUre×free and uNcOÄtaMinated fUel tO tHe InØecÑiOÄ pÙ²p³
Úoth the prIMary filter and the fUeL/water separatOr filter iNcOrpOrate top
²Ounted bleeder valves to assist iN the re²OvaÛ of air frÜ tHe fUeL systeMÝ
Þueß cutoff sOlenOidÝ
àN electrically operated fUeL cUtoff soleá
Noid is ²OuNÑed iN the fUel iNØectIoÄ puMp±
´He sOlenOId is NOâaLly Open±
swItcH iN tHe veHicle driver's cOMparÑMent actUates tHe cIrcUit tO cßOse the
ãLOsiÄg Ñhe sOßenoid c»ts off fueL delIvery frOM Ñhe fuel IÄØectIoÄ
pU²p aNd stOps the eNgineä
A ManUaLLy Operated overrIde sHutOff is provided
Ño peåit stOppiÄg tHe engIne IN Ñhe event Of aN electrIcaß faIßUre.
ÞueL retUrÄ backfLOw vaLveä
à fuel rÖturN Ðackflow vaæve (figs± 1×8
and çèé) (ê/Ê4.lëaNd ìç/íîï Is InstaLled Ðetween the f»el INjectIon pUMp fuel
retUrn OUtleÑ aNd tHe fUeL returN Hose asseðLyÝ
The valve preveNts fueß flowñNg
ÐacK tO tHe INØectiOÄ pU²p when ÑHe fueL supply Is clOsedò
óaÄifOld air InductiOn aNd heater sYsteM.
The ²anifOld air iNdUctiON
aNd Heater systeMôis represented In flow diagraM for² in figure çõ10 (ç/ö7 ).
ÃUrÐOsUPercharGer asse²Ðliesä
÷xhaust gas drIveÄ
asseøÐliesù ONe for each ÐaÄK Of cylINdersù are MoUnted On eacH side Of the
engINeù at
the rearÝ
The tUrÐOs»percHargers INcrease Ñhe pressure Of the iÄtaKe
aIr thereÐy deLIveriNg a hIgHer densIÑy air tO tHe cyLINders as cO²pared with a
NOns»ûercharged eÄgiNeÝ
The HIgHer densiÑy airù wItH a proper fUeL floüù
ýncreases eNgiÄe pOwerÝ
ÿÄtake ²anifOLd heaÑerÝ
Ãhe IÄtaKe MaÄIfOLdù wHich distriÐĀÑes
ind»cÑioÄ air tO each banK Of cyLINders¶ Is equipped wItH aÄ electrIcalßy
Operated flaMe Ñype intake ²aÄIfOLd heaÑerā
ÃHe HeaÑer is provided as aÄ
aId fOr cOld weaÑher sÑarting aÄd cOLd weatHer operatIOns .Ă ăperatiON Of

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