PS Magazine - SEPTEMBER 1972

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly

1972 SERIES, ISSUE 238


PS Magazine - SEPTEMBER 1972 - Page 40 of 43
M17 & M17Al MASKS
Some outfits keEp an updated list
the Lot Numbers of ALL the fiLteR eLements
used in theiR M±7 or M±7²± pRotective
masks. The List inc³udes the name of the
so³dier each mask is assigned to.
That way-when
new SB 3´30´2,
ProtectiVe Mask CanisteRs aNdµFi³teR ¶Le·
ments SeRViceabiLity ¸ists¹ is pUb³ishedº
they simpLy checK theiR List aGaiNst the
S»'s info. TheRe's no need to p¼³³ a physi·
eLement Lot N¼mbeR in½o is a³so Noted oN
the iNdiVid¼aL¾s
tag (oR tape) that¾s
used on the haRNess of each mask.
caL check on each mask to ³ocate tHe ¼n´
serviceab³e e³eÀents caLLed out in the SB.
SaVes time and work foR a³L concerned.
²Lso saVes possib³e damage to the e³e´
ments oR the masks by c¼ttinG dowN on
Both e³ements in a mask m¼st show
¼nnecessaRy disassemb³y.
tHe same ³ot number.
Áere¾s some updated suppLy scoo for
your ÃÄ 3Å4410Æ20Ç´2ÈP ÉMar 69)¹ WhicH
coVeRs the MÊ water HeateR on Your
MË2²Ì or modified M9 Decon.
FSÍ 534È´855´2942 is tHe right FSÍ
foR the pRotectiVe cap foR the heateR¾s f¼eL
return Line. FSÍ 473ÈÆ9È8´59È0¹ ³isted for
the Îap in tHe ÃM (Âages 7 and 1Ç) Is
a good n¼mbeRÏ Ðt¾LL be deLeteD by a TM
FSN 5340-855±2942
is RiGHT .²³
5066¹ a³so Listed oN the TM's pageÑ 7 and
11, Is a good n¼mber foR the Heater's theRÒ
mostatic switcH. The wrong switch Had
been tagged with that FÓÍ, but the mixÔ
¼p is oVeR. The TM¾s FSÍ wiL³ bRing Yo¼

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