PS Magazine - JANUARY 1973

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly

1973 SERIES, ISSUE 242


PS Magazine - JANUARY 1973 - Page 7 of 27
Dear Editor,
We've had Trouble wi±h leaking dis-
charge valves on aL of our 2²³±on
fuel servicing and waTer ±ank Trucks.
We found ±ha± ±he s±eel s±em had
rusTed and sTuck in ±he packIng´
Jhen, when The valve was opened,
The s±em Tore The packing looseµ
We could have puT in a new sTem,
FSN 2510¶732³6263, Bu± iT looked
·ke we¸d jUsT have ±he same ±rouBle
So, insTead, we had our supº
porT TuR down ±he old sTem aBouT
inch and faBricaTe a Brass Bushing
±haT¸s a snug fiT on ±he sTem and
The di»erenceµ
Wi±h new
¾e're sure we've goT a seTup ±haT'L
las± a loT longe¿
Roy Brooks
Kentucky Natio±aL Guard
(ED ²OT³-Wh³´ YOUµ µ³pAIµ³D pAµT IS b³¶¶³µ ¶HA´ ´³w, YOU'µ³ 'wAY Ah³·D Of ¶h³
lever wilL cheW holes in tHe canVas of
your M54A2-sErIes ±²Ton aNd M3±A³-
ser´es 2\µ¶ton Trucks.
GrInD, ·acKsa¸¹ or cut off tHe sHarp
edgeº Round off al» ¼hE sIdes so It's nice
½n¾ smooth¿
You're gambling with your Life when you gRab
any oL± Lug nut foR your veHicLe²s WHeeLs.
J usE BecAuse it scReWs onto tHe sCud does not Mean
it'LL hoLd the wheeL on Eight. The right lug nut seats
snug aLL the way around and puts the most pressure
against the wheeL³
So, if you´ve got µo repLa¶e a LosE, stripped or
Broken Lug nut, neve· Pi¶k one out of a junk box or
off some other vehicLe³ Get a brand new nut-the
nut caLled fo· by your vehicle±s parts manuaL.
We got calLed down fr having winch shear pins insta±ed when we weren't
using the winches
We were told the shear pin is supposed to be stowed with
the spares-lIlCe in the glove compartment²except when we're actualLy
using the winch
³s this a
Dea¸r ¹rº »³¼½D³,
That's strictly
matter of local SO¾³ Some ¶o¿mands haVe had
trouble with peopLe goÀfing up-a¶¶identaLLy putting the winch
into Á
ration and busting things up³ Âith the sheaR pin stowed
away in some safe place, this ¶an't haPpenº
In one caÃe, though, youÄVe got to keep the win¶h shear pin
instaLÅed at aLL ÆimesÇ THaÆ's tHÈ É715ÊseRieË 1ÌÍton trucks³ THe
wincH dRive sHaft wiLL droP down if tHe sheaR pin's not În pLaceÏ
laf J1t

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