PS Magazine - JUNE 1973

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly

1973 SERIES, ISSUE 247

JUNE 1973

PS Magazine - JUNE 1973 - Page 7 of 43
Dear Hal-Mast,
We ofen get naiLed in roadside spoT checks bcause we don't hAve the
±ockring spLit 180 degrees FRom ²e ³´ vaLve. µhI means we've got to
take the ¶ng o· and remount ¸¹
µhe onLy ´qui´menT cLose to this º've ever sBBn is in the "Note» in parA
2-23(2)(a)¼ µM 9-2610-200-20 (Jan 71)½nd that Says the LockRinG sPLit shouLd
or 270 degrees From the vaLve¿
What's the Àt stoÁ?
Dear SpecialIst T. D±R±,
There' re a fw Points oF coN³sion
in this whole deal that Need clea´ing
µirst, On that 180-degree bit, some
peoPle are gettiNg mixe¶ uP with the
´equirement ·´ valve PositioniNg on
dual wheels. Like it says in Para 2-ld
in TM 9-2610-200-20, you Position
dual wheel ValVes 180 ¶eg´ees aPart.
This just makes it easier ·´ you to
¸in¶ ¹He inNe´ Wheel valve in ¹he
da´k. You Know it's straigº¹ ac´oss
»o¼ tºe ou¹e´ wheel ValVe.
But even this does no¹ hold true
·´ 5-ºole wheels, liKe you see on
a lot oF equiPment. ½n tºa¹ case, you
PositioN the inner wºeel ¾alve About
145 degrees »om the outer wheel
¿ow on that 90 or 270 degrees in
Para 2-23a(2)(a) IN the tirE TM. Àhat
"¿oteÁ is s'Pose¶ ¹o be ¹alkÂNg aÃut
A coNtiNuous sideÄriNg, no¹ a sPli¹
lockriNg. Åhat's iNteN¶e¶ is, you
Position the toNgue oF the ´ing 90
or 270 ¶eg´ees »om the VAlve stem.
This's so you wonÆt mǺ the valve
with your ¹ire i´ons when youÈ´e takÉ
ing the ´ing oÊ.
No need to suffer fRom a leaky hoRizon-
tal exhaust system on your M35A2 or
other A2±series 21ton multifuel job.
Chances are this'll fix you up:
Loosen the connections at both ends
of the muffler² Loosen the tailpipe bRack-
ets² Then insert the front pipe into the
muffler just about ³´3/³6 inches² Insert
the ReaR pipe
than ³
Now get those muffleR clamps almost
to the ends of the muffler pipe ends¶and
tighten 'em² Finish up by tightening the
tailpipe bracketsµ
And breathe easyµ

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