PS Magazine - JANUARY 1982

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - JANUARY 1982 - Page 29 of 34
Use only the
your battery. Keep the batTery cover
off, too, TO watch For gassing or smoke.
A full charge'll take about 8 hours
the firsT time, so noTe when you sTart.
WHen the charger c±Ts of
reset it. If
yo±²re powered up, iT'll cut off again
wiThin several minuTes.
If the PP-4127 cuts out Bef³re 8 hours aND cOnt´Nues to cµt OFF aFter resett´Ng,
clean cell tops anD terM´nals, be sure veNt hOles aren¶t clOGGed aNd repLace any
sponGe ruBber plug wh´ch Might¶ve
become saturateD ·´th eLecTrolyte.
You can also wash and dry and¸
replaCe the plug. ¹heck top terMinal
nuTs for tightness.
If the ºº»622 still won¶T charge prOperly, turN ´t iN. If chargiNG oN ¼ MODels
exceeDs 16 hours, suspect a short. ½he º May take as Much aS 24 hours. ¾eavy
gass´ng ´n any of the 4 cells with a charger oper¿t´NG cLues yOu to a short. ¼Gain,
turn it in.
½he above tips apply to ´nitial charging. It taÀes onLy 6 hours to recharGe. If
yours take More, turn ¶eM in.
AfÁer a charge, Âet the batTery stand For 6 to 12 hours aNd check the open
circuit oF each cell with a MultiMeter. You shoulD get a 1.82
reaDing for each
ºattery storaGe l´fe is inDefiN´teÄ If it caN st´lL put out 50 percent or More of its
or´ginaL capac´ty, ´t¶s ÅK.
½Æe best MethoD ´s DrÇ storage beLow 90 deGRees. ½hat should Mean 5 years
of shelf l´feÈ Étoring ¶eM wet and charGeD À´lls a battery iN Less thaN a year. ½hey
Lose 5 perceNt a mONth storeD th´s ·ay.
If alreaDy wet, sTore ¶eM d´schargeD beLow 75°Ê. ½hat G´ves you 18 MoNths.
prevent acciDentaL shorts. A Double
Layer of tape will insulate your tooLs
while working On your PipsyË5.
When the Battery's in service,
give the vent holes an occasiOnal
eyeballing to be sure they're open.

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