PS Magazine - SEPTEMBER 1984

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - SEPTEMBER 1984 - Page 31 of 35
Your M203 GL .±²
The Little Things Count, Too!
Little things add up to working
weapons when you maintain or trouble-
shoot your M203 grenade launchers.
LiKe so:
Lube the safety when you
cleaN and oil your weapon, but lube
iT with the safety iN the SAFE posi-
tion. ±hat way² you get CLP to the
moving area of the saf³ty´
Barrel gRips come loose´ µhey
alsO come o¶¶² which Means you've
got NothiNg but slippery steel to
work with. WheN iT looseNs, tell
your armoR³R so he caN have DS
repair i·
Pull the slide latch assembly
to the Rear to lower or raise the
sighT arm assembly of youR
quadraNt sight´ Force caN damage
the slide latch or fire coNtrol
M60 Machine Guns ±³´
A 3-Way wedDIng
The 2 Barre±s and the bolt IN your
M60 machinE guN p±ay like a ±ove
trIangle IN the moVIes²exc³pt they al±
stay togetHer In the e´dµ
WhIch is to say, tHe Barre±s aNd the
Bo±t should s¶ay together fr ±iF, or un·
tI± one or the other Is no ±onger
That's Because they're matched up
througH headspacINg. As ±ong as you
use a matched barre± and Bolt, every¸
thing' s coo±. They Know each other's
chips and Bangs, and they sorta wear
out s±owly¹you coU±d say they age
»ut I¼ you switch one gun's Bolt with
another's barrel, watch outµ They
quIcK±y mak½ a Bunch o¼ new damage
to go aloNg with the o±d chIps and
Bangsµ THat makes fr quicker wearout
or stoppage.
So, wheN you remove a Barrel or Bolt
fr cleaning or whatever, tag it with tHe
sErial NumBer o¼ thE guN It came ¾omµ
Just co¿sider thE tag as a weddiNg
Bayonet ±Ock CHeck
»efre you head fr the Àeld or the traInIng arEa, try tHe ±ocKIng c±ip on your
M7 Bayonet (used with the MÁ6AÂ ri¼lE aNd M203 ±auncher).
ü the ±ocK doesn't worK, your
bayonet won't stay on the mountIng
stÄd. Get a rEp±acemeNt ¼rom your
»ayonets neEd ±uBing to prevent rÄst.
Åube witH CÅP (same stuÆ you use on
your rI¼le and grenade ±auncherÇ when
you return ¼rom the ¼ield.
ü your ÈÉÊserIEs scabbard woN't
Hold your Bayo¿et ËrÌy, or I¼ the scaB¸
bard's daÍaged so BayoNet metÎl Is ex¸
posed, turN It iN ¼Or a rep±acEmentµ
SEP 84
.± J

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