PS Magazine - MARCH 1986

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MARCH 1986

PS Magazine - MARCH 1986 - Page 6 of 35
Pad Protects Periscope
A soft rubber bumper is all that
stands between your M 17 periscopes
and the cold, hard steel of your cargo
hatch cover.
If you slam the cover all the way
back, the soft bumper gives. If it
gives enough, tHe cover caN hit the
'scopes. They give, too, to the tune of
$75 per.
The simplest periscope protection
is to ease the cover into its FULL-
OPE± position.
If you still forget, get your
mechanic to raise the bumper. ²e
caN add washers between the bumper
and mounting bracket. Bumper ad³
justment is on Page 4´29 of
The taller pad giveS the periscopes
extra protection¸
Always have a missing bumper
replaced A¹AP, too.
With no bumper at all, aNd the
hatch iN the FUºL³OP»± position,
road vibration starts the cover
bouncing against the steel of the
bumper mount.
That bouncing can break the hatch
loose from its spring´loaded locking
pin¸ The hatch swings shut and any-
one withiN reach gets b¼nked.
Stow ¶t as Dry as You Can
In hot, humid weather,
the Bradley's water
barrier material stays
damp most of the time
and that means mil-
dew! Air out the barrier
eveRy chance you get so
that suNshine can do its
thing on the sneaky funguS.
You might not have time
during training, but you
can sure make it a point
to dry the barrier when you
get back to camp or garrison.
¾ount ¾T³1029 ma¿ not give
you enough clearance for an À T³524
or ÀT³246. If the radio hits the cleanÁ
iNg rod stowage bÂacket, the mount
Needs to Ãe moved forward.
When the mount is bolted through
set of holesÅ onlÆ Çn
A±/GÀC³160 wiÈÉÊ fit. ²ave your
meËh move the mouNt to the forward
set of holes to ÌouNt the ³524 Íor
À T³5Î4 or ÀT³246 maÆ not fit
³1029 if
Y³57 secure equip-
Ïent Ðs Ñstalled. The radio tranSmit-
ter will hit the cleaNing rod stowage
Òf this happensÅ yoÓr mech can
Ôake out the rod stÕwage bracKet:
¹tore the cleaNiÖg rods i× the
stowage area at the commander's
right foot.

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