PS Magazine - JUNE 1986

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


JUNE 1986

PS Magazine - JUNE 1986 - Page 14 of 35
, I
screws? Read on before you mess
something up.
Look up the particular in±st²ment
you're purging in TM 750-116 or the
instrument TM. It'll tell you what
Adapter to use (if any) and show
where the entrance and exhaust ports
Entrance ports are usual³y circleD
in gray paint and exhaust ports in
yellow paint.
Take Off the port cAps (or unscrew
the screws) before you start. If you
don't open the exhaust port, you
could build up pressure and blow
things ApArt insiDe tHe instrument.
´on't lose the port caps or screws.
You'll need them after charging. If
the entrance valve has a screw insteaD
of a capµ you'll need one of the adap¶
ters in the purging kit. Use either
8·32UNC-2¸µ 10·24UNC¹2¸ or 10¹
The Big Purge
ºM 750¹116 or the vehicle or in¶
strument TM has the purging for»
mula ¼that's how much pressure for
how ³o½g a time) for the inStrument
you're working on. ¾pen the regula¿
tor valve unti³ the right pressureÀ
nearly alwAys five PÁIÂshows on
the low pressure gAge.
¾nce the instrument has purged
for the requireD timeµ shut ofF the
regulator vAlveà ºhen rep³ace the
exhaust port
cap or screwÅ
If the eXhaust port Doesn't have
gaskets or sea³sÆ put a litt³e sea³ing
compounDµ NÁN 8030¹00Ç2È5¹8110É
on the screw anD reinsta³³ it.
Purge for
Only as
LOng as yOUr
TM says.
Make sure
the pressURe
is RigH±, tOO
You can't hAve nitrogen ³eaksÉ so if
you ½eeD gaskets and screwÊË orDer
sets from Table 2¹2 or ̹3 on Pages
2¹2 anD 2¹3 of ºM È50¹11Í. Îf you
½eed reϳacement cApsÐ see Tab³e 2Ñ4
on Page 2¹4 of the TÒ.
If you don't Build Óp pressÓre
iÔside tHe instrÓÕent after purgiÔgµ
you've wasteD your time. ´ustµ mistµ
waterÖ etc.µ will
et i×side just as sÓre
as ice Õelts in ØAÔAmAÙ
CharGiÚG is Ûone witÜ tÜe same
stuff yoÓ ÓseD for ÝurGinGÞÔitro»
gen. ßet tHe regulator vAlve to the
prescribeÛ ÝressÓreÞneArly always
one PßIàanÛ cÜArGe for the reqáired
time. It Õay only be Ì0 seconÛsÙ
(Check TM 75âÇ1ã6 for the exact
time.) Just don't overcÜArGeÙ WHeÔ
tHe time's upµ sHut oäf tHe Gas fåow
and replAce the port cap or screw.
Yo²'re not Do³± Y±t!
NopeÙ Not ÓÔtiå you shut off tHe
nitrogen. ComÝleteåy close tHe valve
on the cylinder. ¾pen tÜe vaåve on
the low·pressure siDe of tÜe regulAtor
just a little to bleeD off pressure aÔÛ
then close itÙ
If yoæ Donçt BåeeÛ off tÜe pressÓreµ
tÜe ruBber ÛèapHraGm in tHe reGuåator
stAys unDer strainÙ TÜat coÓld cAÓse
a leak anD you'åå neeÛ a Ôew reGÓlAtorÙ
éor your oên sAfetyÖ reaÛ up on
C²³´GE oNLY Fo´ ³s LoNG
³S µrEScrIbED IN YoUr
YoU c²³´GE ·oo mUc²
¸EliEvE ·²E
µrESsUrE ¹n ·²E
rEGULa·or v³LvE
aº·Er s²U··ING
oºF t²E cYlINDEr vaLvE
compressed Gasses in ¸ë 700·6ìÖ
DevicesíDust påuG and/ or valve
Átorage And îandling of CompresseD
protection cap.
ïAses and ïas ðyåinÛers. Working
N¾TE: RaDioactive fire coÔtrol
witH a high¹pressure nitrogen cyl¹
instruments are purGed anÛ cHarGed
inDer anÛ its Accessories can be daÔ·
the same way as othersÙ JÓst Ûon't
gerous unless you know what you're
purge them if tHe raDioactive vials
are broken. In tHat caseµ turn tHem in
Make sure the cylinDer is correctly
the way it tells yoÓ in tHe weapon or
mArkeÛ anÛ Üas tÜe right safety
instrÓÕent ºM.
.j´µ¶ ·¸

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