PS Magazine - JUNE 1986

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


JUNE 1986

PS Magazine - JUNE 1986 - Page 8 of 35
With more stubboRn problems,
like heavy dirt, carbon or oil deposits±
the older, accordian-style filtEr ele²
ments can be washed and used again.
Note on the elements the date of the
washIng. Four scRubs is the limit
before replaceMent.
air filters
by dipping
in a barrel
of soapy waTer
YoU can also wash the newer± self³
contained filter elements. ´f they have
dirt problems that can't be solved
with a hose or a wash, replace 'em.
For moRe good inµo on keeping
your ¶60·seRies tank air cleaner
"breathing,¸ see TB 9·2300·378·14±
Air ´nduction System ¶aintenance.
For M1 Tanks
air cleaner clogged filt¹r lighº may
flash o» and o¼½. YoU may also not¾ce
a power loss or stall. ¿his is
engine's way of protecting itself± too.
YoU drivers need to keep an eye on
the air intake cleaner clogged filter
lightÁit's the only warning you'll
get. Lf it glows yellow, shut down as
soon as possible and clear the pre³
cleaneR. ´f the light still glows when
you restart the enGine, reset the
master caUtion ligHt and do a power
stall check. Âf yoU get the light agai»,
shut down and call the
screen, grat±²
BAffle SeaLS
YoU fix the air cleaner yoUrself
only when yoU're too fÄr in the field
to get help from the motor pool.
¿hen follow the emergency pro³
cedUres on Pages 2-426 thrU 2Å430 of
ÆouR ¶ Ç's ÈiR µilter system is a
T¶ 9·2350Å255-10-2.
diÉERent animal fRom the ¶60. Clean
YoU can help keep the filter system
aiR is critical to the ¶l 's tUrbine.
clean by daily wiping the precleaner
Êowever, the ¶ 1 gives yoU advÈnce free of dirt.
warning when the air filter system is
YoU organizational mechs »eed to
clogged. Ënder power demand± the watch for tears± dents± holes a»d dUst
i» the wrong places when inspecting
the ÌÍ Îir filter system. Ïike with
the Ì60, those are signs it's time to
replace parts.
¿he precÐeaner mUst be able to Do
its job for air to even get to the air
cleaner. Ñyeball its screen± grate and
two baffÐe seaÐs for cracks, bReaks
and bends. Âf dirt's the only problem±
blow the precleaner oUt with 90 PS ´
or less of air± wash it with soapy
water± and rinse and blow it clean
a»d dry. Òefore ReinstaÐling± eyeball
it again for cracksÓ breaks and bends.
The air µilter pack assemblies must
be handled with c
are. NeveR stand
them on end or bang them to remove
dirt. ´f any part of a packÕslides,
ends, beadsÖdented or torn, replace
the pack.
To clean the pack assemblies, shake
them first to knock oUt any loose
dirt. Blow away from the inside out
any remaining dirt, Using 90 ×S´ or
less of air. Wipe the pack out with a
clean rag.
²eveR wASh the ml pAcK ASSe³-
Êow do yoU know if the pack is
now in good enough condition to
Use? Weigh each of the three elemeØts.
Lf any tips the scale at moRE than 43
pounds, tUrn it in. Before reinstalling
the packs, eye ball the plenum seÈls
for cracking or looseness Ènd replÈce
if necessary. Ïook for dust trailsÙ
they indicate a leaking seal oR toRn
filter. Wipe oUt any dirt in the plenum
inlets and inside and oUtside of the
air box.
Now yoUÚre back in bUsiness know³
ing yoUr Ì 1 won't have to woRRy
aboUt fresh air.
For more info on ¶ 1 air cleaner
system P̱ see T¶ 9-2350-255·20·
ÛÅ3·2± Chap 3.

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