PS Magazine - AUGUST 1986

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - AUGUST 1986 - Page 9 of 35
M915-Series Truck
Driving your M915-series truck over
rough terrain puts a heap of stress and
straiN on the tRuck's cab Fames and
Mounts taKe only so much vibratioN
be²re they weaken and break. Broken
mounts let the cab shi³, adding more
strain to the cab Fa´e.
Eyeball the cab mounts and FAe
during your weekly PMCS. µeport any
Direct support can then bee· up the
cab Fame and mounts using the instruc¸
tions in Para 3-3 o· TB 43¹0º1-39»7
(Oct 85).
Transmission Vent Woes
Some M915¼series tRucks have loose
or missing transmIssion breather veNts.
Dust and moisture get into the trans½
mission, causiNg it to ¾il.
So checK those breatHers dur¿ng semi¸
annual service to make sure they're ¿n
place. Àf you Ánd a loose one, tighten
it. Âf one is missing, replace ¿t with
ÃSÃ 252Ä-Ä1-Ä77»28Ä3Å
When you mechanics replace the
duÆmy coupling on the Font SEµVÀCÇ
glad haNd on a 5-ton truck, be sure to
use a vented coupli±g, ÃSÃ 253Ä-È
74Ä-9445Å Âf you use a regular dummy
coupling, the brakes won't release aÉer
the driver applies themÅ
Êhat's because the seRvice dum´y
coupling needs a breather vent to release
air Ëressure.
Àf you have the correct coupling and
the brakes lock up, look ²r diRt or paint
iN the vent hole.
±ailgate Lock Pin Assembly
You won't Ìnd tHe tailgate lock pin assembly ²r the M817 or M51-series
5-ton dump tRucks in your parts ÊM's.
The assembly you need is ÃSÃ 4Ä1ÄÍÄÄ-8Ä9-6294, which iNcludes the pin,
chaiN and two S-hooKsÎ
Ïere are the individual parts:
³´hooK (2 µa)
Êhis is the same pin assembly as
used on M929 and M93Ä dump trucks.
Àt's shown as Àtem 2 of Ðig 213 in
ÊM 9-232Ä»272»2ÄPÅ
AUG 86

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