PS Magazine - NOVEMBER 1986

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - NOVEMBER 1986 - Page 10 of 35
M163A1, M167A1
Here are some ways fr you oprators
to keeP your M163Al and M167Al
VuLcans on target.
ShippiNg ANd HANdLiNg
i±eDIatE²y³ Tat KeePs ´µNor Prob²ems
Fom beco±µng major on the comPuter's
trIP ¶r rePaIr.
CAb³e TIe-dowN ´owdowN
Save-anD use-·e shIPPIng conta¸ners
Route cab²es be¹ween coºnents »e
t¼at co±Ponents LIKe the receIver½trans¾
the D¿ÀIbuÁon Bx anD ·e ÂDar ÃceIverÄ
mItter anD raDar range comPuter come transmItÅer Æhrough theIr bracKets anD tIe
in shipping
when not
in use
When you go
Çe Èe²D, ÉcK bacK¾uP
co±Ponents In the coÊrs to Protect
·e± Fom ·e bumPs anD bangs oË rIDIng
In the bacK oË a trucÌ.
them bacÌ wIth tIes. ÍË the heavy caβes
aren't sÏcure, Æhey
anD ÎreaK .Ð. PuÑ
wIÒng out oË connectors ÐÓÔ anD snag on
tree LImbs.
Keep cables in bracket
and tied down!
Another PoInt: ÍË somethIng ²IKe the
ÍË you nÏÕD tIes, you
ÖbrIcate ·e±
range co±Puter goes Down on your Yu²¾
wIth ×/8¾In wIDe straPs, ØSØ 5340ÙÚÛ
can, Put It In Its rePLace±ent's contaIner 182Ü468Ý, or 3/8¾In wIDe straPs, ØSØ
¸Ov 86
5340ÜÚÞ081¾5169, anD bu¹ton stuD Ösß
teners, ØSØ 53Ý5ÜÚÞ02×¾0191à
BA¹¹ery ChArgiNg
RechargIng your Vu²can's ba¹terIes
wIth the auxILIary Power unµt (AáU) Is
not a tuâ½It½on½aND½²eaveIt ProceDure.
ÍË you Don't KeÕP an eye on the AáU's
Watch voLtAge and current
during recHArging
Øever Let the vo²tage excã Ý8ä× voLtå
ær the M16×Al or Ý9 voLts ær the
M163Al. Øever ²et t¼e çOAè CURé
RêØë meter exceeD 1Ú Percent fr
eIżer VuLcan.
·e çOAè CURìêØë
meter Doesn't DroP to í0 or ²ess aîer 30
±ïutes oË chargIng, stoP chargIng anD
teð² your ±eñhanIc. Soò's wrong!
MoppINg Up
ÍË t¼e raDar receIverótransmItter gets
wet Fom raIn or washIng, Dry It ¸ômeDIé
ateLy. MoIsõre
shorÅ out the receIverö
trans±µtter's Power suPPLy.
OPÕn the receIver÷transmItter's Pane²
anD moP uP any stanDIng water. áø²² the
Inter²ocK swItch anD ²et t¼e receùúerÄ
transûµ¹Åer run on stünDby fr 30 ´Inutes
PUlL interLock aNd let receiVer-
transmiTer run on standby
VOýëS meter anD çOAè CURþØÿ wIth the Pane² Down. ëhe receIverótransß
±eter DurIng rechargIng, you can over½
Āā's Ëan wI²² Dry uP any re´aINIng
charge-anD Ăageăthe ba¹Åery.
»Ov 86

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