PS Magazine - DECEMBER 1986

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - DECEMBER 1986 - Page 24 of 28
Folow tese Tps, oPra±ors, fr seeing
cLear and brea±hIng easy In your M²7-
serIes mask:
A³er w´shIngµ w¶I± fr your ·asK ±o
dR compLe±eLy befre Ins¸LLIng va¹ve
dIsks or moIs±Ure wILL ruIn ±he·. Bad
dIsks make I± hard ±o draw
º»» and
fgs up eyeLenses»
¼r wasHIng ½e ¾k, swIng I± brIs¿y
±o shake ou± wa±er. DrY I± torougÀy
wI½ chÁLÂt, NSÃ 8305ÄÅ222ÆÇ2È»
Ée± ±he ·asÊ aIrÆdry fr a± LeËs± 1 hOur»
ÌÍ a dIsk changes co¹or when
you pu±
I± In ±he vaLve seaÏ, yOu dIdn'± Le± Ðhe
masK dry» DIscard te ruInÑd dIsK» WIP
±he vaLve sea± agaIn» Òe± ±h
e ·asK aIrÔ
Õ dry a± Leas± 15 ·Önu±es ·ore»
Ãever ±es± a dIsK by s±re±chIng I± over
1/8 Inch Or roL¹Ing I±» ×ha± ruIns I±» ÌnØ
s±ead, eyebaLL a dIsK fr curLIng, ±earÙ,
creases, dIÚ±, or cracKsÛ˹L reasOÜs fr
rep¹aCe·en±» ÌÍ you ÝËn sÑe ÐÞßOugh I±,
a dIsK Is bad, ±OOº
Unplugging Valves
àeLp ±he In¹e± va¹ves brea±he by c¹eËná
Ing ±he· wI±h your M16Aâ rIãe ±OO±hä
brush, Ãåà 1æ5çæè494é6602» ÒIgh±Ly
brush ±he v¶¹ves' ·a±±ingêno± ±OO hard
or you'LL ±ër ±he ·a±ìg oí. ×aîçdon'±
bangÛte InsIde (ïIsk sIde) oÍ ±he vaLve
agaIðs± a medIum hard surÍace LIKe yOur
c¶n±ñnº Brush away aðy guòk wIt yoór
öeep ±he ou±¹e± vaLves
cLean wI±
cheesec¹o±hº øemove dus± or debùs
úom oó±¹e± va¹veû wI±h ¶ d!mp cheeseç
DEC 86
ÝLo±hº Ãever use paper ±O üIpe aüay
·OIs±ureÛI± c¶n ýreaK and ¹Odge In
Ðhe va¹ve»
þse Oò¹y ÝLean cheesec¹O±h ±o c¹e¶Ü
eye¹enses» ÿOarse ÝLo±h sÝra±ches eyeĀ
¹enses, b¹urring your vIsIon»
Mounting It Right
When InsÐ˹¹Ing ±he voIce·Ö±Ðerçouйe±
vËāve asse·b¹y cOver, pu± I± Ă¹¹y On ±he
±ăO sIde ·Oun±Ing s±udsº Ą±herwIse, ±he
Ýover üi¹¹ wOrK ¹OOseº ÌĆ I±'s ·OunÐed
righ±, you
see Ðhe sÐuds ±hÚOugh Ðhe
ÝOver's hOLes and ±he ¹Ip üI¹L ýe seaÐć
¶rouÜd ±he ri·º
½e voIÝe·i±Ðerçou±¹e± v˹ve Ĉse·b¹y
ÝOver reĂses ±O gO over ±he s±uds, üe±
Ðhe s±uds» WI±h yOur ±hu·ýs, s±re±ch ±he
ÝOver's hoLes over ±he s±udsº
Wa±ch fr ÝÞipped paIn± On ĉe ·eж¹
±Ips oÍ s±rapsº ÿhIppć ±Ips ßO± ·asK
rubberº Ċour ÃBÿ ÃÿĄ Ýan ±OuÝh up
cÞipped ±Ips üI±h b¹acċ ¹aÝquer, ČåÃ
8010çæç085ç0559 Or he Ýan ÝčnIýa¹Ize
±Ips Ďo· o¹d, unserVIÝeaý¹e s±rapsď åee
×M È-4240ç279ç20&Đ, Đage 2Æ9, fr
Ðhe prOÝure»
DeC 86

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