PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-433

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-433 - Page 28 of 33
ring gear on the flywheel takes a
grinding and keeps on cRanking .
until the staRteR Knocks its teeth out.
And that happens to some
Rough teRRain Frk li±ts. The teeth on
the staR²er dRive mesh with the teeth
on the ³lywheel ring gear and staR² to
tuM the ±lywheel. BeFRe the engine
staRts, the starteR dRive disengages ´om
the ring geaR FR a second oR two, then
tRies to Re-engage with the ring geaR to
cRaN the engine again.
This sudden reµengagement o¶ a
spinning staRteR dRive with the tu·ing
engine ³lywheel makes Fr one heck
o± a chatteR. ¸he sUdden contact knocks
teeth o¹ the Ring geaR.
to craº tHe engine, there're no teeth
on the ring geaR »R the starteR dRive
teeth to mesh with .
.. a no¼st½Rt situa¾
tion, and a big RepaiR job Fr DS.
So what causes the staRteR to engage
and disengage be»re the engine staRts?
SimPle. A bUm alte·atoR.
That's Right. ¸heRe are some bum
alte·ators out theRe that put out moRe
volts duRing staRt ¿p than tÀey'Re supÁ
posed to. ¸his maKes the staRteR think
the engine's staR²ed, sO the staR²er qÂits
As soon as the engine
s drop,
the alte·atoR output dRops. This voltÃ
age dRop lets the staRteR know the enÁ
gine's not running. I± you've still got
the switch engaged, the staRter tries to
cRank the engine again. This is when
the damage is done.
So i± yoU heaR any staRteR cÀatteR
when you tRy to cranK a Frkli±t, repoRt
You mechanics can tell Right o¹ i±
you have an oveRcharging alte·atoR by
doing this:
DEC 88
Disconnect the electRical lead on
the ÄUel shuto¹ solenoid.
Åemove the instRUment noise
ba±³le mat.
Disconnect tÀe lockout Relay wire.
That's the orange wiRe undeR the instRuÁ
ment panel and behind the steeRing
Set the paRking bRÆe and move
the geaR shi±t leveR to neUtral.
Çook the red lead ´om youR mUlÈ
timeteR to the oRange WiRe tÀat was disÉ
connecteÊ ´om the lockoUt Relay.
red lead to
DEC 88
Connect the Ëlack lead ´om tÀe
multimeter to groUnd.
Set the multimeteR to Read
DC or ÀigheR.
CRank the engine. I± the Reading
volts or less, the alte·atoR's
I± the Reading is higheR than
oR i± the needle Ìuctuates, you've got
a bum alte·atoR. Åeplace it.
Åeconnect the elec²Rical lead to
the ÄÍel shUto¹ solenoid.
TRy staR²ing the engine again. Îith
engine Running, Re¼test the voltage of
the oRange wiRe FR the lockoUt Relay.
This tiÏe the ReaÊing sÐoulÊ be
volt. If not, pUt on a new alte·atoR.
Ñf tÀe reading is gooÊ, Reconnect
the oRange wiRe to the lockout Relay.
Òut the noise baÓe mat bacÔ onÕ

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