PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-435

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-435 - Page 14 of 33
ew tires don't mal
good wheeLs if
you put 'em on bum rims with bad
When you change a tIre, Look cLose
fOr bent, broken or stripped studs, bent
or dented rIms, woR stud hoLes, dam-
aged fLanges and sprung side Lock
rings, orLoose jam nuts± ²epLace any of
these that are bad± Don't try to fix 'em±
cLose Look caLLs Fr a LIttLe brush
work± Make sure everything Is cLean
befOre you mount a tire on the rim±
Scrub the studs with a wire brush to
get dIrt and rust o³f the threads± Then
use the brush on the rim´toµrIm matIng
surfaces on duaLs to get rid of Loose
paint, dirt and rust: This keeps the
metaL´to´metaL seat tight.
FEB 89
FEB 89
or gouged, get another rim± ¶oose
hoLes make a bad ·It and Let the wheeL
wobb¸y wheeL cracks more
stud Ho¸es and breaks or strIps studs
and nuts±
Use a torque wrench any tIme you
tIgHten ¸ug nuts¹ Too much torque is
just as bad as not enougH± THe rIght
torque varIes ºom one type of truck
to anotHer± So, pLay it safe± Take a
second to Look up the rIgHt torque »r
your vehicLe's Lug nuts in its TM±
¼t taKes on¸y a ½w extra minutes to
do the job right and It pays o¾ In tHe
Jong run±

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