PS Magazine - NOVEMBER 1972

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly

1972 SERIES, ISSUE 240


PS Magazine - NOVEMBER 1972 - Page 7 of 27
Just watch any flyboy doing his pre-
fLigHt. ±e'd sooner take off without his
pants than forget to cHeck his fuel²drain³
ing some off the tank into a container
and checking it for dirt 'n´ waterµ
±is life depends on it!
And tHe life of y_our diesel engine (in³
cluding multifuel engines) depends on
youR draining water and dirt from your
fuel filters before every oPration.
Maybe you don't believe it´s all that
important. Well, ol´ buddy, that only
shows that you need to know more about
diesel engines¶
SuRe, a diesel eNgine is Cough 'N' ·o¸er¹
fuT. ANd it Does just gReaº oN Fue» thaº's
»o¸er gRade and chea·eR ºhaN gasoliNe.
¼acE is, exce·t For mulCiFuels, ½he diesel
eNgine can't Run on gasoliNe²aNd eveN a
mulCiFuel ruNs betºer on diese» Fuel¾
Buº youR diesel engiNe is mighty Fussy
a¿ouº clean Fuel²no ¸ateR, No DiRE, NoÀ
eveN ½hat fuNgus ½haÀ gRo¸s iN diese» Fue»
iN Che tropics.
Why so fussy?
¼irsº, you've goº a Fue» iNjectioN ·ump
or uNit type iNjecºoR Chat ·ushes FuelÁ
uNder teRRific ·ressureÁthrough ½he iNjecÂÃ
½oR ºi· iNto youR cyliNdeRs. Ähe ·arEs Åin
Chis ·um· oR unit injectoR aRe machiNed
so fine and Run so close ºogether, they're
as touchy as ºhe ·arEs in youR ¸atch. Just
a tiNy bi½ oF diRE or waºer caN Foul u· your
iNjector ·um·.

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