PS Magazine - JUNE 1979

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


JUNE 1979

PS Magazine - JUNE 1979 - Page 12 of 35
M911 C-HET Tractor
Oil Pressure
Go, No-Go
When your engine oil pressure gage shows low oil pressure at idle, should
you shut down?
Maybe, maybe not. It depends±
Your oPerator's manual doesn't show an oil pressure for idle speed-600
R²M± No sweat. ³f the needle moves at all, there's enough pressure For idling
as long as the oil pressure warning light is out. But check it out
to make sure´
Your engine oil level must be between the ADD and
marks on the
Start the engine and rev it up to 1,800 to 2,100 RµM± The gage should show
50 to 70 ²S³± ³t's safe to run the engine as long as the gage stays a¶ove 30 µS³.
But if it drops ¶elow 30 ²S³ at high R²M, sHut down¸right now-like it says
on page 2¹5 in TM 9º2320»270»10 (Oct 77).
The oil pressure warning light should come on when you turn the ignition
switch on and go out when the engine is started. ¼his means the oiL pressure
sending unit is OK and you h½ve oil pressUre.
³f your gage doesn¾t show pressure at an¿ speed, report it to ¿our mechaniC.
Àe'll check it out±
When your Parts manual speCifies
steel tu¶ing fÁr hydrauliC ¶rake lines,
never su¶stitute with copper.
Âopper wonÃt stand up to the jo¶.
And you donÃt need a fortune teller to
tell you what'll hapPen if you pop a
¶rake line± No ¶rakes!
So stiCk to steel± Äo copper!
no More Sa±di±g!
GET our/ MY l±e'S

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