PS Magazine - MAY 1980

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MAY 1980

PS Magazine - MAY 1980 - Page 12 of 35
GO will expand about
percent for
a 100-degree rise within its normal
operaUng temperat±re range.
n ²t
can get t³ Be 300°F inside a gear case
±nDer normal operating Conditions.
All t
at Heat and all thos
· '
ch±rnMg the l±be ca±ses the ´²µ to get
all frothy 'n¶ foamy.
So, Yo± can see .
.. the heat, expan·
sion and the foamy conditions in a
gear case tHat¶s overfilled can be Bad.
Something has to give. The gear case
seals can pooP o±t. And if your
breathers or vent lines are clogged ±p,
the seals are s±re to Blow.
EyeBall the L±brication order for
yo±r eq±ipment. If there¶s an exact
way to check, the ¸O will spell it o±t.
Always maKe s±re the vehicle is on
¹evel ground, and checK the gear case
when it¶s cool.
.ºyo± get a true reading
that way.
Remove the pl±g and »¼tick yo±r
pinKy finger in the Hole to the first
joint. ½end yo±r finge¾ down. If the tip
dips ¿nto the l±be, it¶s OÀº This ±s±alLy
fig±res to be abo±t
inch below the
bottom Áf the fill hole.
Then there¶s the proBlem of
different siz pinky fingers. THey¶re
like noses .
.. not all of ¶em are the same
size. Ão± co±ld checK the level with
yo±r long, sKinny finger and find it
OÀÄ B±t a cH±bby inspector with short;
fat fingers may say iÅs too low. THere¶s
a fix for that proBlem, tooÆa gear case
oil checKer yo± can easily maKe.
When l±be Has to be added, be sure
to avoid oVerfilling. GO is pretty
heavy stuff and can pile up, especially
when it¶s a little coldº So p±mp slow 'n¶
easy and then wait a while before you
p±t the pl±g BacK in. Give the l±be a
chance to run BacK out so the level¶s
even with the bottom of the fill hole.
yoǶ rÈ at it,
breathers or vent lines Éo maKe sure
they¶re cLear. Those breathers, esÊ
pecially, can get clogged with m±d.
Give the cap a twist and then taË it a
co±ple of times to maKe s±re the
sprinÌÍloaded valve inside is worKing

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