PS Magazine - MARCH 1981

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MARCH 1981

PS Magazine - MARCH 1981 - Page 4 of 35
Run down the nut to be torqued until it's tight.
Place a %-in drive socket on the nut. put the drive bar in the socket±
about 100 lb²ft on the dial³
Rotate the wrench until the reaction Bar rests against a rigid surface´ This is
alWays in the oµµosite direction you¶re torquing· ¸hen you torque cLockwise,
the reaction is in the oµµosite direction¹counterclockwiseº
Now You're ready to t_orque»
Tighten tHe nut to the reqUired
torque. Take your hand off ±he hand-
crank aNd waIt
mInute² ³´e torqUE wIll
back off² ThIs's because the torqUed
boL±µs twist is reLaxIng and the thread
s¶rfaces are seatIng·
Retorque. Wait again
MInute fo¸
the torque to back off.
Reto¹queº The torque shoULd staY
This wrench, unlike other torque wrenches, is made to work with extensions¼
¸hen you use socket wrench extensions, the reaction bar Must be 3 times
longer than the extension½ F'rinstance, i¾ you¿re using a 16Àin long socket
wrench extenSion, your reaction bar must be at least
inches long. Áince thÂÃ
reaction barIs only about 30 inches long, use a 3À5 ft length of iron µiµe to
extend it.
Äou can use this torque wrench to loosen nuts, tooÅ Æurn the knurÇed ratchet
collar in the counterclockwise directionÈ Turn the hanDcraÉk coUntercÇockwise
to Çoosen nutsº

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